
Along with the tables and views described below, there are custom datatypes and rules in use.



to generate this output, use the following command

postgresql_autodoc -h -u openmolar –password=PASSWORD -d openmolar_demo -t html

replacing user and password fields as appropriate

Index for openmolar_demo

Dumped on 2012-08-10

Index of database - openmolar_demo

Table: address_link

address_link Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
address_cat address_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'home'::address_type
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
addresses.ix address_id integer NOT NULL
from_date date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
to_date date
mailing_pref mailing_pref_type
comments character varying(255)

Index - Schema public

Table: addresses

addresses Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
addr1 character varying(60) NOT NULL
addr2 character varying(60) DEFAULT NULL::character varying
addr3 character varying(60) DEFAULT NULL::character varying
city character varying(60) NOT NULL
county character varying(30) DEFAULT NULL::character varying
country character varying(30) DEFAULT NULL::character varying
postal_cd character varying(30) NOT NULL
modified_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
time_stamp timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()


addresses Constraints
Name Constraint
ck_addr1 CHECK (((addr1)::text = upper((addr1)::text)))
ck_addr2 CHECK (((addr2)::text = upper((addr2)::text)))
ck_addr3 CHECK (((addr3)::text = upper((addr3)::text)))
ck_city CHECK (((city)::text = upper((city)::text)))
ck_country CHECK (((country)::text = upper((country)::text)))
ck_county CHECK (((county)::text = upper((county)::text)))
ck_postal_cd CHECK (((postal_cd)::text = upper((postal_cd)::text)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

View: after_sessions

after_sessions Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
diary_id integer
start timestamp with time zone
finish timestamp with time zone
ON (diary_in_office.diary_id) diary_in_office.diary_id
, diary_in_office.finish AS start
, to_timestamp
) AS finish 
FROM diary_in_office 
ORDER BY diary_in_office.diary_id
, diary_in_office.finish DESC;

Index - Schema public

Table: avatars

avatars Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
description character varying(50) NOT NULL
svg_data text

Index - Schema public

View: before_sessions

before_sessions Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
diary_id integer
start timestamp with time zone
finish timestamp with time zone
ON (diary_in_office.diary_id) diary_in_office.diary_id
, to_timestamp
     (0)::double precision
) AS start
, diary_in_office.start AS finish 
FROM diary_in_office 
ORDER BY diary_in_office.diary_id
, to_timestamp
     (0)::double precision

Index - Schema public

Table: calendar

calendar Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
date_id date PRIMARY KEY
event character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying

Index - Schema public

Table: clerical_memos

clerical_memos Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer UNIQUE NOT NULL
memo character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying
checked_date date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
checked_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()

Index - Schema public

Table: clinical_memos

clinical_memos Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer UNIQUE NOT NULL
memo character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying
checked_date date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
checked_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()

Index - Schema public

Table: contracted_practitioners

contracted_practitioners Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
practitioners.ix practitioner_id integer NOT NULL
contract_type character varying(20)
start_date date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
end_date date
comments character varying(255)

Index - Schema public

Table: diaries

diaries Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
book_start date NOT NULL
book_end date NOT NULL
comment text
active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true


diaries Constraints
Name Constraint
ck_diary_limits CHECK ((book_start < book_end))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

View: diary_adjacent_entries

diary_adjacent_entries Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
diary_id integer
start timestamp with time zone
finish timestamp with time zone
gap interval
next_appt timestamp with time zone
SELECT appts.diary_id
, appts.start
, appts.finish
, (next.start - appts.finish) AS gap
, next.start AS next_appt 
SELECT diary_entries.diary_id
     , row_number
     () OVER 
    ORDER BY diary_entries.diary_id
           , diary_entries.start
     ) AS row_
     , diary_entries.start
     , diary_entries.finish 
  FROM diary_entries
) appts
, (
SELECT diary_entries.diary_id
     , row_number
     () OVER 
    ORDER BY diary_entries.diary_id
           , diary_entries.start
     ) AS row_
     , diary_entries.start 
  FROM diary_entries
) next 
     (next.row_ = 
           (appts.row_ + 1)
   AND (next.diary_id = appts.diary_id)

Index - Schema public

View: diary_adjacent_in_office_entries

diary_adjacent_in_office_entries Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
diary_id integer
start timestamp with time zone
finish timestamp with time zone
gap interval
next_appt timestamp with time zone
SELECT appts.diary_id
, appts.start
, appts.finish
, (next.start - appts.finish) AS gap
, next.start AS next_appt 
SELECT diary_work.diary_id
     , row_number
     () OVER 
    ORDER BY diary_work.diary_id
           , diary_work.start
     ) AS row_
     , diary_work.start
     , diary_work.finish 
  FROM diary_work
) appts
, (
SELECT diary_work.diary_id
     , row_number
     () OVER 
    ORDER BY diary_work.diary_id
           , diary_work.start
     ) AS row_
     , diary_work.start 
  FROM diary_work
) next 
     (next.row_ = 
           (appts.row_ + 1)
   AND (next.diary_id = appts.diary_id)

Index - Schema public

Table: diary_entries

diary_entries Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
diaries.ix diary_id integer NOT NULL
start timestamp with time zone
finish timestamp with time zone
comment text
etype diary_entry_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'free'::diary_entry_type


diary_entries Constraints
Name Constraint
ck_entries CHECK ((start <= finish))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: diary_in_office

diary_in_office Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
diaries.ix diary_id integer NOT NULL
start timestamp with time zone
finish timestamp with time zone
comment text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text


diary_in_office Constraints
Name Constraint
ck_sessions CHECK ((start <= finish))

Index - Schema public

View: diary_multi_day_entries

diary_multi_day_entries Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix integer
diary_id integer
start timestamp with time zone
finish timestamp with time zone
comment text
etype diary_entry_type
SELECT diary_entries.ix
, diary_entries.diary_id
, diary_entries.start
, diary_entries.finish
, diary_entries.comment
, diary_entries.etype 
FROM diary_entries 
WHERE (date
     (diary_entries.start) <> date

Index - Schema public

View: diary_out_of_office

diary_out_of_office Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
diary_id integer
start timestamp with time zone
finish timestamp with time zone
SELECT diary_id
, start
, finish 
FROM (extremity_appointments NATURAL FULL 
  JOIN (
      SELECT a.diary_id
           , a.finish AS start
           , b.start AS finish 
        FROM (
                  SELECT diary_in_office.diary_id
                       , row_number
                       () OVER 
                      ORDER BY diary_in_office.diary_id
                             , diary_in_office.start
                       ) AS row_
                       , diary_in_office.start
                       , diary_in_office.finish 
                    FROM diary_in_office
                 ) a 
              JOIN (
                  SELECT diary_in_office.diary_id
                       , row_number
                       () OVER 
                      ORDER BY diary_in_office.diary_id
                             , diary_in_office.start
                       ) AS row_
                       , diary_in_office.start
                       , diary_in_office.finish 
                    FROM diary_in_office
                 ) b 
                ON (
                             (a.diary_id = b.diary_id)
                           AND (b.row_ = 
                                   (a.row_ + 1)
     ) reversed_in_office
ORDER BY diary_id
, start;

Index - Schema public

Table: diary_patients

diary_patients Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
patients.ix patient integer NOT NULL
diary_entries.ix appt_ix integer
clinician_type clinician_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'dentist'::clinician_type
practitioners.ix clinician_spec integer
reason1 character varying(20)
reason2 character varying(20)
length integer NOT NULL
parent integer
period interval
comment character varying(240)
time_stamp timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()


diary_patients Constraints
Name Constraint
ck_diary_periods CHECK ((((parent IS NOT NULL) AND (period IS NOT NULL)) OR ((period IS NULL) AND (parent IS NULL))))

Index - Schema public

Table: diary_slots

diary_slots Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
start timestamp with time zone
length interval

Index - Schema public

View: diary_work

diary_work Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
diary_id integer
start timestamp with time zone
finish timestamp with time zone
etype diary_entry_type
SELECT diary_id
, start
, finish
, diary_entries.etype 
FROM (diary_entries NATURAL FULL 
  JOIN diary_out_of_office
ORDER BY diary_id
, start;

Index - Schema public

View: extremity_appointments

extremity_appointments Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
diary_id integer
start timestamp with time zone
finish timestamp with time zone
SELECT diary_id
, start
, finish 
FROM (before_sessions NATURAL FULL 
  JOIN after_sessions

Index - Schema public

Table: fees

fees Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
fee numeric(10,2) NOT NULL
type fee_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'other'::fee_type
comment character varying(240)
time_stamp timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

Index - Schema public

Table: invoice_status

invoice_status Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
status character varying(80) NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: invoices

invoices Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
invoice_status.ix status_id integer NOT NULL
date_issued date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
date_paid date
total_fees numeric(10,2) NOT NULL
discount numeric(10,2) NOT NULL
amount_payable numeric(10,2) NOT NULL
other_details character varying(240)

Index - Schema public

Table: notes_clerical

notes_clerical Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
open_time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
commit_time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
type notes_clerical_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'observation'::notes_clerical_type
line text
users.ix author integer

Index - Schema public

Table: notes_clinical

notes_clinical Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
open_time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
commit_time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
type notes_clinical_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'observation'::notes_clinical_type
line text
users.ix author integer NOT NULL
users.ix co_author integer
committed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false

Index - Schema public

Table: patients

patients Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
title character varying(20) NOT NULL
last_name character varying(30) NOT NULL
first_name character varying(30) NOT NULL
qualifications character varying(30)
preferred_name character varying(30)
correspondence_name character varying(60)
sex sex_type NOT NULL
dob date NOT NULL
status pt_status_type NOT NULL
modified_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
time_stamp timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()


patients Constraints
Name Constraint
chk_first_name_case CHECK (((first_name)::text = upper((first_name)::text)))
chk_first_name_len CHECK (((first_name)::text <> ''::text))
chk_last_name_case CHECK (((last_name)::text = upper((last_name)::text)))
chk_last_name_len CHECK ((length((last_name)::text) > 1))
chk_title_case CHECK (((title)::text = upper((title)::text)))
chk_title_len CHECK ((length((title)::text) > 1))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: perio_bleeding

perio_bleeding Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
tooth smallint UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
checked_date date UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
values character varying(6)
comment character varying(80)
checked_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()


perio_bleeding Constraints
Name Constraint
bleeding_values_rule CHECK ((("values")::text ~ '^[YN]{6}$'::text))

Index - Schema public

Table: perio_bpe

perio_bpe Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
checked_date date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
values character(6)
comment character varying(80)
checked_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()


perio_bpe Constraints
Name Constraint
bpe_values_rule CHECK (("values" ~ '^[01234\*\-]{6}$'::text))

Index - Schema public

Table: perio_plaque

perio_plaque Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
tooth smallint UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
checked_date date UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
values character varying(6)
comment character varying(80)
checked_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()


perio_plaque Constraints
Name Constraint
plaque_values_rule CHECK ((("values")::text ~ '^[YN]{6}$'::text))

Index - Schema public

Table: perio_pocketing

perio_pocketing Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
tooth smallint UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
checked_date date UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
values character varying(6)
comment character varying(80)
checked_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()


perio_pocketing Constraints
Name Constraint
pocketing_values_rule CHECK ((("values")::text ~ '^[ 0-9A-F]{6}$'::text))

Index - Schema public

Table: perio_recession

perio_recession Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
tooth smallint UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
checked_date date UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
values character varying(6)
comment character varying(80)
checked_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()


perio_recession Constraints
Name Constraint
recession_values_rule CHECK ((("values")::text ~ '^[0-9A-F]{6}$'::text))

Index - Schema public

Table: practices

practices Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
name character varying(50) NOT NULL
addresses.ix address_ix integer
website character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying
email1 character varying(30) DEFAULT NULL::character varying
email2 character varying(30) DEFAULT NULL::character varying
tel1 character varying(30) DEFAULT NULL::character varying
tel2 character varying(30) DEFAULT NULL::character varying
tel3 character varying(30) DEFAULT NULL::character varying
fax character varying(30) DEFAULT NULL::character varying

Index - Schema public

Table: practitioners

practitioners Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
users.ix user_id integer
type practitioner_type NOT NULL
speciality character varying(20)
status character varying(20) NOT NULL
comments character varying(255)
modified_by character varying(20) NOT NULL
time_stamp timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: procedure_codes

procedure_codes Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
category integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1
code character varying(8) UNIQUE
description character varying(140)

Index - Schema public

Table: settings

settings Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
key character varying(80)
data text

Index - Schema public

Table: static_comments

static_comments Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
tooth smallint NOT NULL
comment character varying(255)
checked_date date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
checked_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()

Index - Schema public

Table: static_crowns

static_crowns Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
tooth smallint NOT NULL
type crown_type NOT NULL
technition character varying(30)
comment character varying(80)
date_charted date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date

Index - Schema public

Table: static_fills

static_fills Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
tooth smallint NOT NULL
surfaces character varying(5) NOT NULL
material fill_material_type NOT NULL
comment character varying(80)
date_charted date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date


static_fills Constraints
Name Constraint
static_fills_surface_rule CHECK (((surfaces)::text ~ '^[MODBL]*$'::text))

Index - Schema public

Table: static_roots

static_roots Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
tooth smallint NOT NULL
description root_description_type
comment character varying(80)
checked_date date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
checked_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()

Index - Schema public

Table: static_supernumerary

static_supernumerary Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
mesial_neighbour smallint
distal_neighbour smallint
is_erupted boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
comment character varying(240)
checked_date date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
checked_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()

Index - Schema public

Table: teeth_present

teeth_present Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
dent_key bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 281474976645120::bigint
checked_date date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
checked_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()

Index - Schema public

Table: telephone

telephone Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
number character varying(30) NOT NULL
sms_capable boolean DEFAULT false
checked_date date DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
checked_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()


telephone Constraints
Name Constraint
telephone_nos_rule CHECK (((number)::text ~ '^[\d+ \+]*'::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: telephone_link

telephone_link Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
tel_cat telephone_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'home'::telephone_type
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
telephone.ix tel_id integer NOT NULL
comment character varying(240)

Index - Schema public

Table: treatment_chart

treatment_chart Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
treatment_teeth.ix tooth_id integer
type tx_chart_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'tooth'::tx_chart_type
draw_text character varying(12)
svg character varying(30)


treatment_chart Constraints
Name Constraint
treatment_chart_data CHECK (((draw_text IS NOT NULL) OR (svg IS NOT NULL)))

Index - Schema public

Table: treatment_crowns

treatment_crowns Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
treatment_teeth.ix tooth_tx_id integer
type crown_type NOT NULL
technition character varying(30)

Index - Schema public

Table: treatment_fills

treatment_fills Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
treatment_teeth.ix tooth_tx_id integer
surfaces character varying(5) NOT NULL
material fill_material_type


treatment_fills Constraints
Name Constraint
treatment_fills_surface_rule CHECK (((surfaces)::text ~ '^[MODBL]*$'::text))

Index - Schema public

Table: treatment_teeth

treatment_teeth Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
treatments.ix treatment_id integer
tooth smallint NOT NULL
tx_type tooth_tx_type

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: treatments

treatments Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
patients.ix patient_id integer NOT NULL
om_code character varying(5) NOT NULL
completed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
practitioners.ix px_clinician integer NOT NULL
px_date date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
practitioners.ix tx_clinician integer
tx_date date
added_by character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
comment character varying(240)


treatments Constraints
Name Constraint
completed_treatment_rule CHECK (((NOT completed) OR (tx_clinician IS NOT NULL)))
completed_treatment_rule2 CHECK (((NOT completed) OR (tx_date IS NOT NULL)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: users

users Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix serial PRIMARY KEY
abbrv_name character varying(20) UNIQUE NOT NULL
role character varying(20)
title character varying(20) NOT NULL
last_name character varying(30) NOT NULL
middle_name character varying(30)
first_name character varying(30) NOT NULL
qualifications character varying(30) NOT NULL
registration character varying(240)
correspondence_name character varying(60)
sex sex_type NOT NULL
dob date NOT NULL
status character varying(20) NOT NULL
comments character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying
avatar_id integer
display_order integer
modified_by character varying(20) NOT NULL
time_stamp timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

View: view_addresses

view_addresses Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ix integer
addr1 character varying(60)
addr2 character varying(60)
addr3 character varying(60)
city character varying(60)
county character varying(30)
country character varying(30)
postal_cd character varying(30)
address_cat address_type
address_id integer
patient_id integer
present boolean
known_residents bigint
from_date date
to_date date
mailing_pref mailing_pref_type
comments character varying(255)
, a.addr1
, a.addr2
, a.addr3
, a.county
, a.postal_cd
, l.address_cat
, l.address_id
, l.patient_id
, t2.present
, t2.known_residents
, l.from_date
, l.to_date
, l.mailing_pref
, l.comments 
     (addresses a 
        JOIN address_link l 
          ON (
                 (a.ix = l.address_id)
  JOIN (
      SELECT address_link.address_id
           , (
                 (address_link.from_date <= 
               AND (
                       (address_link.to_date >= 
                      OR (address_link.to_date IS NULL)
           ) AS present
           , count
           (address_link.address_id) AS known_residents 
        FROM address_link 
    GROUP BY address_link.address_id
           , (
                 (address_link.from_date <= 
               AND (
                       (address_link.to_date >= 
                      OR (address_link.to_date IS NULL)
     ) t2 
    ON (
           (a.ix = t2.address_id)

Index - Schema public

View: view_practitioners

view_practitioners Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
practitioner_id integer
user_id integer
abbrv_name character varying(20)
type practitioner_type
title character varying(20)
last_name character varying(30)
first_name character varying(30)
middle_name character varying(30)
qualifications character varying(30)
registration character varying(240)
correspondence_name character varying(60)
sex sex_type
dob date
avatar_id integer
svg_data text
status character varying(20)
speciality character varying(20)
display_order integer
SELECT practitioners.ix AS practitioner_id
, practitioners.user_id
, users.abbrv_name
, practitioners.type
, users.title
, users.last_name
, users.first_name
, users.middle_name
, users.qualifications
, users.registration
, users.correspondence_name
, users.dob
, users.avatar_id
, avatars.svg_data
, practitioners.status
, practitioners.speciality
, users.display_order 
   LEFT JOIN users 
          ON (
                 (practitioners.user_id = users.ix)
LEFT JOIN avatars 
    ON (
           (avatars.ix = users.avatar_id)
ORDER BY users.display_order;

Index - Schema public

Function: generate_dates(n date, dt2 date, dt1 integer)

Returns: SET OF date

Language: SQL

SELECT $1 + n FROM generate_series(0, $2 - $1, $3) n

Function: get_available_in_office_slots(id timestamp without time zone, t2 timestamp without time zone, t1 integer)

Returns: SET OF diary_slots

Language: SQL

SELECT finish as start, gap from diary_adjacent_in_office_entries where finish >= $1 and next_appt <= $2 and diary_id=$3 and gap > '00:00:00' 

Function: get_available_slots(id timestamp with time zone, t2 timestamp with time zone, t1 integer)

Returns: SET OF diary_slots

Language: SQL

SELECT finish as start, gap from diary_adjacent_entries where finish >= $1 and next_appt <= $2 and diary_id=$3 and gap > '00:00:00' 

Generated by PostgreSQL Autodoc

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