Source code for lib_openmolar.client.qt4.widgets.chart_widgets.chart_data_model

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##                                                                           ##
##  Copyright 2010, Neil Wallace <>               ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify     ##
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        ##
##  (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ##
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##  GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                           ##
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##  along with this program.  If not, see <>.    ##
##                                                                           ##

from lib_openmolar.client.qt4.widgets.chart_widgets import tooth_data
from lib_openmolar.client.qt4.widgets.chart_widgets import perio_data

[docs]class ChartDataModel(object): ''' a custom set of dictionaries which holds data about all teeth in the mouth. ChartWidgets hold no data, but are "views" to this model. .. note:: Summary and static chart share one instance of this class. the treatment chart and completed chart have an instance each. '''
[docs] def __init__(self): #: = [] #: self.perio_data = [] self.views = [] ''' a list of widgets which need to be informed whenever this model changes '''
[docs] def register_view(self, widget): ''' register all widgets which are attached to this model, so that when "endResetModel" is called, they get notified .. note:: widgets registered this way must have a method model_changed() ''' self.views.append(widget)
[docs] def endResetModel(self): ''' call this function after altering the data if you need to inform registered views of the change ''' for view in self.views: view.model_changed()
[docs] def has_properties(self, tooth_id): ''' :param: tooth_id (int) returns True if this model has data for tooth with this id ''' try: self.get_properties(tooth_id).next() except StopIteration: return False return True
[docs] def add_property(self, tooth_data): ''' add a :doc:`ToothData` object to this model '''
[docs] def clear(self): ''' resets the model, and any attached views ''' self.perio_data = [] = [] self.endResetModel()
[docs] def get_properties(self, tooth_id): ''' :param: tooth_id (int) a generator returning all :doc:`ToothData` objects for this tooth ''' for prop in if prop.tooth_id == tooth_id: yield prop
[docs] def get_restorations(self, tooth_id): ''' :param: tooth_id (int) a generator returning all :doc:`ToothData` objects of type Filling or Crown for this tooth ''' for prop in self.get_properties(tooth_id): if prop.type in (prop.FILLING, prop.CROWN): yield prop
[docs] def get_root_info(self, tooth_id): ''' :param: tooth_id (int) a generator returning all :doc:`ToothData` objects of type Root for this tooth ''' for prop in self.get_properties(tooth_id): if prop.type == prop.ROOT: yield prop
[docs] def get_new_fillings(self): ''' a generator returning all :doc:`ToothData` objects of type Filling which are NOT in the database (ie have been added by client) ''' for prop in if (prop.type == prop.FILLING and not prop.in_database): yield prop
[docs] def get_new_crowns(self): ''' a generator returning all :doc:`ToothData` objects of type Crown which are NOT in the database (ie have been added by client) ''' for prop in if (prop.type == prop.CROWN and not prop.in_database): yield prop
[docs] def get_new_roots(self): ''' a generator returning all :doc:`ToothData` objects of type Root which are NOT in the database (ie have been added by client) ''' for prop in if (prop.type == prop.ROOT and not prop.in_database): yield prop
[docs] def get_new_comments(self): ''' a generator returning all :doc:`ToothData` objects of type Comment which are NOT in the database (ie have been added by client) ''' for prop in if (prop.type == prop.COMMENT and not prop.in_database): yield prop
[docs] def get_perio_data(self, tooth_id): ''' :param: tooth_id (int) a generator returning all :doc:`PerioData` for this tooth ''' for prop in self.perio_data: if prop.tooth_id == tooth_id: yield prop
[docs] def add_perio_property(self, prop): ''' :param: prop (:doc:`PerioData` ) add a perio data object to the model ''' self.perio_data.append(prop)
[docs] def add_root(self, root_record): ''' add root data from the database orm root_record is an instance of QtSqlQRecord, with some customisations see lib_openmolar.common.common_db_orm.static_roots for details ''' root_id = root_record.tooth_id if root_id: prop = tooth_data.ToothData(root_id) prop.set_type(prop.ROOT) prop.set_root_type(root_record.description) prop.set_comment(root_record.comment) prop.in_database = True self.add_property(prop)
[docs] def add_crown(self, crown_record): ''' add crown from the database orm crown is an instance of QtSqlQRecord, with some customisations see lib_openmolar.common.common_db_orm.static_crowns for details ''' tooth_id = crown_record.tooth_id if tooth_id: prop = tooth_data.ToothData(tooth_id) prop.set_type(prop.CROWN) prop.set_crown_type(crown_record.crown_type) prop.set_technition(crown_record.technition) prop.set_comment(crown_record.comment) prop.in_database = True self.add_property(prop)
[docs] def add_fill(self, fill_record): ''' add fill from the database orm fill is an instance of QtSqlQRecord, with some customisations see lib_openmolar.common.common_db_orm.static_fills for details ''' tooth_id = fill_record.tooth_id if tooth_id: prop = tooth_data.ToothData(tooth_id) prop.set_type(prop.FILLING) prop.set_surfaces(fill_record.surfaces) prop.set_material(fill_record.material) prop.set_comment(fill_record.comment) prop.in_database = True self.add_property(prop)
[docs] def add_comment(self, record): ''' add comment from the database orm fill is an instance of QtSqlQRecord, with some customisations see lib_openmolar.common.common_db_orm.static_comments for details ''' tooth_id = record.tooth_id if tooth_id: prop = tooth_data.ToothData(tooth_id) prop.set_type(prop.COMMENT) prop.set_comment(record.text) prop.in_database = True self.add_property(prop)
[docs] def add_fill_from_string(self, tooth_id, input): ''' :param: int :param: string allows the addition of a fill in the form "MOD,CO" ''' if tooth_id: prop = tooth_data.ToothData(tooth_id) prop.set_type(prop.FILLING) prop.from_fill_string(input) self.add_property(prop)
[docs] def add_data(self, data_list): for record, data_type in data_list: if data_type == 'fill': self.add_fill(record) elif data_type == 'crown': self.add_crown(record) elif data_type == 'root': self.add_root(record) elif data_type == 'comment': self.add_comment(record) else: print "chart - add_data - unknown data type", record
[docs] def add_perio_records(self, records): ''' add records from database ''' for record, type in records: if type == "pocket": tooth, values = record self.add_perio_data(tooth, perio_data.PerioData.POCKETING, values)
[docs] def add_perio_data(self, tooth_id, type_, values): prop = perio_data.PerioData(tooth_id) prop.set_type(type_) prop.set_values(values) self.add_perio_property(prop)
[docs] def load_test_data(self): from random import randint #- two ways to add a filling self.add_fill_from_string(5, "MO,AM") #-- let's add a few (at random) for fill in ("MOD,CO", "B,GL", "DO,AM", "O,GO", "B,PO", "FS"): self.add_fill_from_string(randint(1,32), fill) self.add_perio_data(3, perio_data.PerioData.POCKETING, (3,6,4,4,5,6)) self.add_perio_data(4, perio_data.PerioData.POCKETING, (5,8,6,4,5,6)) self.add_perio_data(5, perio_data.PerioData.POCKETING, (3,6,4,4,5,6)) self.add_perio_data(6, perio_data.PerioData.POCKETING, (1,4,2,4,5,6)) self.add_perio_data(19, perio_data.PerioData.POCKETING, (3,6,4,4,5,6)) self.add_perio_data(20, perio_data.PerioData.POCKETING, (5,8,6,4,5,6)) self.add_perio_data(21, perio_data.PerioData.POCKETING, (3,6,4,4,5,6)) self.add_perio_data(22, perio_data.PerioData.POCKETING, (1,4,2,4,5,6))
def __repr__(self): message = "ChartDataModel for views %s"%self.views for data in message += "\n\t%s"% data return message
if __name__ == "__main__": obj = ChartDataModel() obj.load_test_data() print obj