Source code for lib_openmolar.client.db_orm.diary.diary_model

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##                                                                           ##
##  Copyright 2010, Neil Wallace <>               ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify     ##
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        ##
##  (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ##
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##  GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                           ##
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##  along with this program.  If not, see <>.    ##
##                                                                           ##

from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtSql

class _DiarySettings(object):

    DAY = 0
    FOUR_DAY = 1
    WEEK = 2
    MONTH = 4
    YEAR = 5
    AGENDA = 6
    TASKS = 7


    def __init__(self):
        self._style = self.DAY

    def set_style(self, style):
        assert style>=self.DAY and style<=self.TASKS
        self._style = style

[docs]class Appointment(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, record): #date, hour, minute, length, name): self.start = record.value("start").toDateTime() self.finish = record.value("finish").toDateTime() self.type = record.value('type').toString() self.comments = record.value('comments').toString() self.rect = None
[docs] def message(self): return u"%s %s"% (self.type, self.comments)
[docs] def full_details(self): return u"%s %s %s"% (self.start.toString(), self.type, self.comments)
def __repr__(self): return "appointment %s %s %s %s"% ( self.start, self.finish, self.type, self.comments)
[docs]class DayData(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, practice_id=1): self.sessions_loaded = False self._appointments = None self.practice_id = practice_id = None self._diaries = {} self._diary_list = None self._public_hol_text = "" self.in_bookable_range = False self._session_start = None self._session_finish = None
def __repr__(self): return "Daydata %s %s with diaries=%s"% ( self.public_hol_text, self.message, self.diaries)
[docs] def clear(self): self.sessions_loaded = False self._diaries_loaded = False
[docs] def appointments(self): if self._appointments is None: self.load_appointments() return self._appointments
[docs] def public_hol_text(self): return self._public_hol_text
[docs] def set_public_hol_text(self, text): self._public_hol_text = text
[docs] def is_public_hol(self): return self._public_hol_text != ""
[docs] def has_session(self): return self._session_start != None and self._session_finish != None
[docs] def set_session_start(self, start): self._session_start = start
[docs] def session_start(self): return self._session_start
[docs] def set_session_finish(self, finish): self._session_finish = finish
[docs] def session_finish(self): return self._session_finish
[docs] def message(self): try: message = u"%s <br />%s - %s"% ( _("session"), self.session_start.toString(), self.session_finish.toString()) except AttributeError: message = _("no session") return message
[docs] def diaries(self): if self._diary_list == None: self._diary_list = sorted(self._diaries.keys()) return self._diary_list
[docs] def minutes_past_midnight(self, dtime): ''' takes either a QDateTime, or a QTime, and returns the minutes past midnight ''' if type(dtime) == QtCore.QDateTime: dtime = dtime.time() return dtime.hour() * 60 + dtime.minute()
[docs] def load_sessions(self): ''' loads all appointments of type "session" for this day ''' q_query = QtSql.QSqlQuery(SETTINGS.psql_conn) query = '''select start, finish from diary_sessions where practice_id = ? and date(start) = ?''' q_query.prepare(query) q_query.addBindValue(self.practice_id) q_query.addBindValue( q_query.exec_() if q_query.lastError().isValid(): print q_query.lastError().text() while record = q_query.record() start = record.value("start").toDateTime() finish = record.value("finish").toDateTime() self.set_session_start(start) self.set_session_finish(finish) q_query.finish() self.sessions_loaded = True
[docs] def load_appointments(self): ''' loads all appointments of type "session" for this day ''' q_query = QtSql.QSqlQuery(SETTINGS.psql_conn) query = '''select diary_id, start, finish, type, comments from diary_appointments where diary_id = ? and date(start) = ? order by start''' q_query.prepare(query) q_query.addBindValue(4) ## todo fix when ^ no of diaries q_query.addBindValue( self._appointments = [] q_query.exec_() if q_query.lastError().isValid(): print q_query.lastError().text() while record = q_query.record() appt = Appointment(record) self._appointments.append(appt) q_query.finish()
[docs]class DiaryDataModel(_DiarySettings): ''' This is a custom model, which forms a bridge between the client and the database '''
[docs] def __init__(self, practice_id = 1): self._data = {} self.practice_id = practice_id #default values in case db isn't open self.start_date = QtCore.QDate.currentDate().addYears(-2) self.end_date = QtCore.QDate.currentDate().addYears(2) self.last_day = QtCore.QDate.currentDate().addMonths(6)
def __repr__(self): data_repr = "" for key in self._data: data_repr += "%s:%s\n"% (key, self._data[key]) return "DiaryDataModel\ndb=%s\npractice=%s\nstart=%s\nend=%s\n%s"% ( SETTINGS.psql_conn.databaseName(), self.practice_id, self.start_date, self.end_date, data_repr)
[docs] def load(self): self._data = {} self.get_bounds() self.init_data()
[docs] def get_bounds(self): ''' poll the database for start, end and appointment limits ''' query = '''select book_start, book_end, last_day from diary_settings where practice_id = ?''' q_query = QtSql.QSqlQuery(SETTINGS.psql_conn) q_query.prepare(query) q_query.addBindValue(self.practice_id) q_query.exec_() if q_query.last(): record = q_query.record() self.start_date = record.value("book_start").toDate() self.end_date = record.value("book_end").toDate() self.last_day = record.value("last_day").toDate() else: print "WARNING - using default limits for diary"
[docs] def init_data(self): ''' when called this initiates a dictionary of key value pairs where keys are all dates between the start and end values and the values are DayDataObjects with only public holiday data loaded ''' q_query = QtSql.QSqlQuery(SETTINGS.psql_conn) #due to database constraints, this list will be a #set of key value pairs. query = '''select dt, event from (SELECT dt FROM generate_dates(?, ?, 1) dt) as gen left join diary_calendar on dt = date_id''' q_query.prepare(query) q_query.addBindValue(self.start_date) q_query.addBindValue(self.end_date) q_query.exec_() while record = q_query.record() day_data = DayData() day_data.set_public_hol_text(record.value("event").toString()) = record.value("dt").toDate() if QtCore.QDate.currentDate() <= <= self.last_day: day_data.in_bookable_range = True ##QDate.__hash__ has a bug.. so have to convert here self._data[] = day_data q_query.finish()
[docs] def rowCount(self, style): if style in (self.DAY, self.WEEK, self.FOUR_DAY): return 24 if style in (self.MONTH, self.FORTNIGHT): #1 week per row i =0 start = self.start_date while start < self.end_date: start = start.addDays(7) i += 1 return i if style == self.YEAR: #return the number of months. i = 0 start = self.start_date while (start.year(), start.month()) < (self.end_date.year(), self.end_date.month()): i += 1 start = start.addMonths(1) return i return 200
[docs] def row_from_date(self, date, style): ''' returns the relative position of the date in the rows displayed ''' rowcount = self.rowCount(style) if style == self.YEAR: past_years = date.year() - self.start_date.year() return past_years*12 - self.start_date.month() + date.month() if style in (self.MONTH, self.FORTNIGHT): i = 0 start = self.start_date while start <= date: start = start.addDays(7) i += 1 if style == self.MONTH: i -= return i return 1
[docs] def data(self, date, view_style=0): ''' returns a 'DayData' object for the date requested ''' ##QDate.__hash__ has a bug.. so have to convert here try: day_data = self._data[date.toPyDate()] except KeyError: day_data = DayData() = date self._data[date.toPyDate()] = day_data if view_style != self.TASKS: if not day_data.sessions_loaded: day_data.load_sessions() return day_data
[docs] def header_data(self, row, style=0): if style == self.YEAR: date = self.start_date.addMonths(row) month_name = date.shortMonthName(date.month()) return u"%s %s" %(month_name, date.year()) else: return "??"
if __name__ == "__main__": import os, sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../../../../../")) from lib_openmolar.client.connect import DemoClientConnection cc = DemoClientConnection() cc.connect() model = DiaryDataModel() model.load() day_data =,12,25)) print "public hol - ", day_data.is_public_hol, day_data.public_hol_text print model