Source code for lib_openmolar.client.db_orm.client_address

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##                                                                           ##
##  Copyright 2010, Neil Wallace <>               ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify     ##
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        ##
##  (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ##
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##  GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                           ##
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##  along with this program.  If not, see <>.    ##
##                                                                           ##

This module provides the AddressObjects Class, and AddressRecord Class
(for client interaction with records in the addresses and address_link table)

from PyQt4 import QtSql, QtCore

from lib_openmolar.common.common_db_orm import InsertableRecord
from lib_openmolar.common.datatypes import EditableField, OMType

[docs]class AddressRecord(InsertableRecord): ''' A re-implementation of :doc:`InsertableRecord` which is self aware for editing purposes ''' _editable_fields = None
[docs] def __init__(self, record=None): if record is None: blank_record = SETTINGS.psql_conn.blank_address_record QtSql.QSqlRecord.__init__(self, blank_record) else: QtSql.QSqlRecord.__init__(self, record)
[docs] def editable_fields(self): ''' a property called by dialogs which edit this class hence the order is important! a list of tuples. item0 in the tuple is the field name used by the db item1 is the string displayed to the user. item3 is optional type ''' if self._editable_fields is None: cat_field = EditableField('address_cat', _("Category")) cat_field.set_type(SETTINGS.OM_TYPES['address']) mail_field = EditableField('mailing', _('Mailing Preference')) mail_field.set_type(SETTINGS.OM_TYPES['mailing_pref']) mail_field.set_advanced() from_f = EditableField('from_date', _("Start Date for this address")) from_f.set_advanced() to_f = EditableField('to_date', _("Leaving Date for this address")) to_f.set_advanced() self._editable_fields = ([ EditableField('addr1', _("Address Line 1"), required=True), EditableField('addr2', _("Address Line 2")), EditableField('addr3', _("Address Line 3")), EditableField('city', _('City'), required=True), EditableField('county', _('County')), EditableField('country', _('Country')), EditableField('postal_cd', _('Postal_cd'), required=True)], [cat_field, mail_field, from_f, to_f ]) return self._editable_fields
[docs] def details_html(self): html = u"" cat = self.value('address_cat').toString() addr1 = unicode(self.value('addr1').toString()).title() addr2 = unicode(self.value('addr2').toString()).title() addr3 = unicode(self.value('addr3').toString()).title() city = self.value('city').toString() country = self.value('country').toString() pcde = self.value('postal_cd').toString() residents = self.value('known_residents').toInt()[0] html += '<i>- %s</i><br />'% cat if residents > 1: html = u"%s (%d)<br />"% ( html.replace("<br />",""), residents) if addr1: html += u"%s <br />"% addr1 if addr2: html += u"%s <br />"% addr2 if addr3: html += u"%s <br />"% addr3 if city: html += u"%s <br />"% city if country: html += u"%s <br />"% country if pcde: html += u"%s"% pcde else: html += _("Please get postal code!") return html
[docs] def load_values(self, value_store): ''' applies data gathered from a ui built on EditableFields to the object returns a tuple (Result (bool), ommisions (list of ommited fields)) ''' # step 1.. get the values the user has entered. for field_name in value_store: widg, field_type = value_store[field_name] if field_type == QtCore.QVariant.Date: self.setValue(field_name, elif field_type == QtCore.QVariant.String: self.setValue(field_name, widg.text()) elif type(field_type) == OMType: val = widg.itemData(widg.currentIndex()) self.setValue(field_name, val) else: print "Whoops!" ## <-shouldn't happen # step 2.. see if all required fields are completed ommisions = [] all_completed = True for editable_field in self.editable_fields: if editable_field.required: field_name = editable_field.fieldname if self.value(field_name).toString()== "": all_completed = False ommisions.append(editable_field.readable_fieldname) return (all_completed, ommisions)
[docs]class AddressObjects(object): ''' instantiating this class grabs a list of :doc:`AddressRecord` types using the view_addresses pseudo table '''
[docs] def __init__(self, patient_id): #: a pointer to the id of the :doc:`PatientModel` self.patient_id = patient_id self.get_records()
[docs] def get_records(self): ''' poll the database to get all address records associated with the patient_id given at init ''' self.record_list, self.orig_record_list = [], [] # this query LOOKS simple.. but the underlying view is VERY complex. query = ''' select * from view_addresses where patient_id=? order by mailing_pref''' q_query = QtSql.QSqlQuery(SETTINGS.psql_conn) q_query.prepare(query) q_query.addBindValue(self.patient_id) q_query.exec_() while record = q_query.record() #make a copy orig = QtSql.QSqlRecord(record) new = AddressRecord(record) if self.record_list == []: SETTINGS.set_last_used_address(new) self.record_list.append(new) self.orig_record_list.append(orig)
[docs] def records(self): ''' returns a list of all records (type QtSql.QSqlRecords) found ''' return self.record_list
[docs] def is_dirty_record(self, i): return self.record_list[i] != self.orig_record_list[i]
[docs] def is_dirty(self): is_dirty = False for i in range(len(self.record_list)): is_dirty = is_dirty or self.is_dirty_record(i) return is_dirty
[docs] def changes_html(self): ''' an html representation of any changes to the object since __init__ ''' changes = "<body><div align='center'>" for i in range(len(self.record_list)): edited = self.record_list[i] orig = self.orig_record_list[i] changes += "<h4>Address %d - %s</h4>"% (i, orig.value('addr1').toString()) if edited == orig: changes += "- no changes found<br />" continue changes += "<table width = '100%' border='2'>" changes += '''<tr><td><b>field</b></td><td><b>orig value</b></td> <td><b>changed value</b></td></tr>''' edit_fields = edited.editable_fields for edit_field in edit_fields[0]: if not edit_field: #separator continue fieldname = edit_field.fieldname if edited.value(fieldname) == orig.value(fieldname): continue changes += "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>"% ( edit_field.readable_fieldname, orig.value(fieldname).toString(), edited.value(fieldname).toString()) changes += "</table><br /><br />" changes += "</div></body>" return changes
[docs] def commit_changes(self): result = True for i in range(len(self.record_list)): if self.is_dirty_record(i): record = self.record_list[i] orig = self.orig_record_list[i] changes, values = "", [] for i in range(record.count()): if record.field(i) != orig.field(i): changes += "%s = ?,"% record.field(i).name() values.append(record.field(i).value()) changes = changes.rstrip(",") query = "UPDATE view_addresses set %s WHERE address_id=?"% changes print query q_query = QtSql.QSqlQuery(SETTINGS.psql_conn) q_query.prepare(query) for value in values + [record.value('address_id')]: q_query.addBindValue(value) q_query.exec_() if not q_query.lastError().isValid(): result = False else: print q_query.lastError().text() return result
[docs] def details_html(self): ''' an html representation of this object ''' full_html = u"" i = 0 for record in self.record_list: html = u"<div><a href='edit_addy %d'>%s</a>%s</div>"% ( i, SETTINGS.PENCIL, record.details_html()) full_html += html+"<hr width=50% />" i += 1 if full_html == "": full_html = u''' <div>NO ADDRESS FOUND!<a href='edit_addy'>%s</a></div>'''% _("Add") return full_html
[docs] def who_else_lives_here(self, address_id): ''' polls the database to get details of who else lives here now, or in the past. returns 2 lists. ([present occupants],[past occupants]) the lists are in the form ["Mr John Smith 10/10/1964", "Mrs.... "] ''' past_list, present_list = [], [] present_query = '''select title, first_name, last_name, dob from patients join address_link on patients.ix = address_link.patient_id where address_id =? and patients.ix != ? and (to_date is NULL or to_date > CURRENT_DATE) order by dob desc''' past_query = '''select title, first_name, last_name, dob from patients join address_link on patients.ix = address_link.patient_id where address_id =? and patients.ix != ? and to_date <= CURRENT_DATE order by dob desc''' for query, list_ in ( (present_query, present_list), (past_query, past_list)): q_query = QtSql.QSqlQuery(SETTINGS.psql_conn) q_query.prepare(query) q_query.addBindValue(address_id) q_query.addBindValue(self.patient_id) q_query.exec_() while record = q_query.record() list_.append(u"%s %s %s (%s)" %( record.value("title").toString(), record.value("first_name").toString(), record.value("last_name").toString(), record.value( "dob").toDate().toString(SETTINGS.QDATE_FORMAT))) return present_list, past_list
if __name__ == "__main__": from lib_openmolar.client.connect import DemoClientConnection cc = DemoClientConnection() cc.connect() obj = AddressObjects(1) addresses = obj.records print obj.is_dirty addresses[0].setValue('addr1', "The Gables") print obj.is_dirty print obj.details_html() print obj.changes_html() print obj.who_else_lives_here(1) #obj.add_address_link(2)