Source code for lib_openmolar.client.connect

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##                                                                           ##
##  Copyright 2010, Neil Wallace <>               ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify     ##
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        ##
##  (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ##
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##  GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                           ##
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##  along with this program.  If not, see <>.    ##
##                                                                           ##

ClientConnection - a custom class inheriting from Pyqt4.QSql.QSqlDatabase

from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, QtSql

from lib_openmolar.common.datatypes import ConnectionData
from lib_openmolar.common.qt4.postgres.postgres_database import \

from lib_openmolar.client.db_orm.client_patient import DuckPatient

[docs]class ClientConnection(PostgresDatabase): ''' inherits from lib_openmolar.common.connect.PostgresDatabase, which in turn inherits from PyQt4.QSql.QSqlDatabase ''' _blank_address_record = None
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): PostgresDatabase.__init__(self, *args) SETTINGS.psql_conn = self
[docs] def blank_address_record(self): if self._blank_address_record is None: query = QtSql.QSqlQuery("select * from addresses limit 1", self) #note - not positioned on a valid record record = query.record() #record.clear() self._blank_address_record = record return self._blank_address_record
[docs] def fname_completer(self, sname): query = 'SELECT DISTINCT(first_name) from patients where last_name=?' return self.completer(query, [sname])
[docs] def sname_completer(self): query = 'SELECT DISTINCT(last_name) from patients' return self.completer(query)
[docs] def completer(self, query, bindings=[]): q_query = QtSql.QSqlQuery(self) q_query.prepare(query) for binding in bindings: q_query.addBindValue(binding) q_query.exec_() values = [] while values.append(q_query.value(0).toString()) completer = QtGui.QCompleter(values) completer.setCaseSensitivity(QtCore.Qt.CaseInsensitive) return completer
[docs] def get_matchlist(self, search_values): ''' get's a list of patients who's criteria match a user search return a list of BasePatient objects (with address details appended) NOTE - also called when a new patient is being added, in which case search values is a dictionary) ''' query = '''SELECT patients.ix, title, last_name, first_name, preferred_name, dob, addr1, addr2, postal_cd, number from (patients left outer join (addresses join address_link on addresses.ix = address_link.address_id) on patients.ix = address_link.patient_id) left outer join (telephone join telephone_link on telephone.ix = telephone_link.tel_id) on telephone_link.patient_id = patients.ix WHERE ''' conds, values = '', [] sname = search_values.get("sname", "") soundex = search_values.get("soundex_sname", False) if sname != "": sub_cond = 'last_name ilike ? and ' values.append(sname + "%") if soundex: sub_cond = '(%s or difference(last_name, ?) > 2) and '% ( sub_cond.rstrip("and ")) values.append(sname) conds += sub_cond fname = search_values.get("fname", "") soundex = search_values.get("soundex_fname", False) if fname != "": sub_cond = '(first_name ilike ? or preferred_name ilike ?) and ' values.append(fname + "%") values.append(fname + "%") if soundex: sub_cond = '''(%s or (difference(first_name, ?)>2 or difference(preferred_name, ?)>2)) and '''% sub_cond.rstrip("and ") values.append(fname) values.append(fname) conds += sub_cond dob = search_values.get("dob", QtCore.QDate(1900,1,1)) if dob != QtCore.QDate(1900,1,1): conds += 'dob = ? and ' values.append(dob) addr = search_values.get("addr") if addr: conds += '(addr1 ilike ? or addr2 ilike ?) and ' values.append("%"+addr+"%") values.append("%"+addr+"%") pcde = search_values.get("pcde") if pcde: conds += 'postal_cd ilike ? and ' values.append("%"+pcde+"%") tel = search_values.get("tel") if tel: conds += 'number ilike ? and ' values.append("%"+tel+"%") query = query + conds.rstrip('and ') q_query = QtSql.QSqlQuery(self) q_query.prepare(query) for value in values: q_query.addBindValue(value) if not q_query.exec_(): print "BAD QUERY?" print query self.emit_caught_error(q_query.lastError()) matches = [] while patient = DuckPatient() patient.patient_id = q_query.value(0).toInt()[0] patient.title = unicode(q_query.value(1).toString()) patient.last_name = unicode(q_query.value(2).toString()) patient.first_name = unicode(q_query.value(3).toString()) patient.preferred_name = unicode(q_query.value(4).toString()) patient.dob = q_query.value(5).toDate() ## attribute for search only patient.addr1 = q_query.value(6).toString() patient.addr2 = q_query.value(7).toString() patient.pcde = q_query.value(8).toString() patient.number = q_query.value(9).toString() matches.append(patient) return matches
[docs] def get_address_matchmodel(self, search_values): ''' get's a list of addresses who's criteria match a user search ''' query = '''SELECT ix, addr1, addr2, addr3, city, county, country, postal_cd from addresses WHERE ''' conds, values = '', [] address_id = search_values.get("address_id") if address_id: conds += "ix = ?" values.append(address_id) else: addr = search_values.get("addr1") if addr: values.append(u"%%%s%%"% addr) values.append(u"%%%s%%"% addr) values.append(u"%%%s%%"% addr) conds += "(addr1 like ? or addr2 like ? or addr3 like ?) and " addr = search_values.get("addr2") if addr: values.append(u"%%%s%%"% addr) values.append(u"%%%s%%"% addr) values.append(u"%%%s%%"% addr) conds += "(addr1 like ? or addr2 like ? or addr3 like ?) and " city = search_values.get("city") if city: conds += 'city like ? ' values.append("%"+city+"%") country = search_values.get("country") if country: conds += 'country like ? ' values.append("%"+country+"%") pcde = search_values.get("postal_cd") if pcde: conds += 'postal_cd like ? ' values.append("%"+pcde+"%") query = query + conds.rstrip("and ") q_query = QtSql.QSqlQuery(self) q_query.prepare(query) for value in values: q_query.addBindValue(value) if not q_query.exec_(): print "error with query", query self.emit_caught_error(q_query.lastError()) model = QtSql.QSqlQueryModel() model.setQuery(q_query) return model
[docs] def subscribeToNotifications(self): ''' this should be overwritten when this connection is implemented postgres can emit signals when the database is changed by another client. the query is simple NOTIFY new_appointment_made ''' self.driver().subscribeToNotification("todays_book_changed")
[docs] def emit_caught_error(self, error): ''' emits a signal with signature "db error" hopefully someone will see it! ''' if error.isValid(): print "emiting error", error.text() QtGui.QApplication.instance().emit( QtCore.SIGNAL("db error"), error.text())
[docs]class DemoClientConnection(ClientConnection): ''' A connection to the demo database (on localhost) used for testing purposes. '''
[docs] def __init__(self): conn_data = ConnectionData() conn_data.demo_connection() ClientConnection.__init__(self, conn_data)
if __name__ == "__main__": from lib_openmolar import client app = QtGui.QApplication([]) cc = DemoClientConnection() cc.connect() values = {"sname":"POTTA", "soundex_sname":True} #values = {"sname":"POTTER"} print cc.get_matchlist(values) print cc.blank_address_record