Source code for lib_openmolar.admin.qt4.classes.known_server_widget

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##                                                                           ##
##  Copyright 2010, Neil Wallace <>               ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify     ##
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        ##
##  (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ##
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##  GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                           ##
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##  along with this program.  If not, see <>.    ##
##                                                                           ##

from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui

from lib_openmolar.admin.qt4.classes.browser import Browser

[docs]class KnownServerWidget(QtGui.QFrame): ''' loads the 230 servers @ startup. shows status of each. (most users will never use more than one 230 server) ''' _servers = [] shortcut_clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object) ''' emits a signal containing a tuple (proxyclient, shortcut) ''' server_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object) ''' emits a signal when the server number changes '''
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QFrame.__init__(self, parent) self.listWidget = QtGui.QListWidget() self.browser = Browser() splitter = QtGui.QSplitter(self) splitter.addWidget(self.listWidget) splitter.addWidget(self.browser) splitter.setSizes([100,300]) layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) layout.addWidget(splitter) self.listWidget.currentRowChanged.connect(self._server_chosen) self.browser.shortcut_clicked.connect(self.browser_shortcut_clicked)
[docs] def sizeHint(self): return QtCore.QSize(400,400)
[docs] def clear(self): self._servers = [] self.listWidget.clear()
[docs] def add_proxy_client(self, proxy_client): ''' add a :doc:`ProxyClient` ''' self._servers.append(proxy_client) if proxy_client.is_connected: icon = QtGui.QIcon(":icons/openmolar-server.png") else: icon = QtGui.QIcon(":icons/database.png") item = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(icon, proxy_client.brief_name, self.listWidget) item.setToolTip( if self.listWidget.currentItem() is None: self.listWidget.setCurrentRow(0)
[docs] def set_html(self, html): ''' update the html on the embedded browser ''' self.browser.setHtml(html)
def _server_chosen(self, row): ''' private function called by a gui interaction ''' try: pm = self._servers[row] self.set_html(pm.html) except IndexError: self.browser.setHtml("<h1>No proxy server chosen</h1>") self.server_changed.emit(row) @property
[docs] def current_client(self): ''' the active :doc:`ProxyClient` ''' return self._servers[self.listWidget.currentRow()]
[docs] def browser_shortcut_clicked(self, shortcut): ''' pass on the signal from the browser, adding information ''' self.shortcut_clicked.emit(shortcut)
def _test(): class duck_client(object): def __init__(self, i): self.brief_name = "item %d"% i = "test tool tip for client %d"% i self.html = "<h1>Client %d Works!</h1>"% i self.is_connected = False import gettext gettext.install("") app = QtGui.QApplication([]) ksw = KnownServerWidget() ksw.add_proxy_client(duck_client(1)) ksw.add_proxy_client(duck_client(2)) mw = QtGui.QMainWindow() mw.setCentralWidget(ksw) app.exec_() if __name__ == "__main__": _test()