Source code for lib_openmolar.common.datatypes.proc_code

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##                                                                           ##
##  Copyright 2010, Neil Wallace <>               ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify     ##
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        ##
##  (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ##
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##  GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                           ##
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##  along with this program.  If not, see <>.    ##
##                                                                           ##

this module provides one class, ProcCode

ProcCode is a class which encapsulates a treatment procedure known to openmolar

as an example, such an object may represent a 3 surface amalgam filling.

this only becomes a treatment item, when it is planned or performed on a
specific tooth on a specific patient.

import re

[docs]class ProcCode(object): #: SIMPLE = 0 #: TOOTH = 1 #: TEETH = 2 #: ROOT = 3 #: FILL = 4 #: CROWN = 5 #: BRIDGE = 6 #: PROSTHETICS = 7 #: OTHER = 8
[docs] def __init__(self, element, category): #: self.category = category self.element = element ''' A pointer to the minidom element which holds the info about this code ''' self._category = None self._type = None self._description = None self._code = None
[docs] def is_chartable(self): ''' can this procedure be displayed on a dental chart? .. note:: this needs more work! ''' return self.type in (self.FILL, self.CROWN, self.ROOT)
[docs] def type(self): if self._type is None: type = self.element.attributes["type"].value if type == "simple": self._type = self.SIMPLE elif type == "tooth": self._type = self.TOOTH elif type == "teeth": self._type = self.TEETH elif type == "root": self._type = self.ROOT elif type == "fill": self._type = self.FILL elif type == "crown": self._type = self.CROWN elif type == "prosthetics": self._type = self.PROSTHETICS elif type == "bridge": self._type = self.BRIDGE else: print "WARNING - illegal proc-code type", type return self._type
[docs] def code(self): if self._code is None: self._code = self.element.getElementsByTagName( "id")[0].childNodes[0].data return self._code
[docs] def description(self): if self._description is None: self._description = self.element.getElementsByTagName( "description")[0].childNodes[0].data return self._description
[docs] def is_fill(self): return self.type == self.FILL
[docs] def is_crown(self): return self.type == self.CROWN
[docs] def is_root(self): return self.type == self.ROOT
[docs] def is_tooth(self): return ( self.is_bridge or self.is_crown or self.is_fill or self.is_root or self.type == self.TOOTH )
[docs] def is_bridge(self): return self.type == self.BRIDGE
[docs] def is_prosthetics(self): return self.type == self.PROSTHETICS
[docs] def tx_type(self): nodes = self.element.getElementsByTagName("tx_type") if nodes == []: return None return nodes[0].childNodes[0].data.strip()
[docs] def comment_required(self): ''' some items require an extra description from the user when converting to a :doc:`TreatmentItem` eg. "other treatment" code needs embellishing ''' return "description" in self.treatment_item_requirements
[docs] def treatment_item_requirements(self): ''' the xml config sheet can speculate what is needed to create a valid :doc:`TreatmentItem` from this code ''' require_nodes = self.element.getElementsByTagName("ti_requires") if require_nodes == []: return [] return require_nodes[0].childNodes[0].data.strip().split(",")
[docs] def tooth_required(self): ''' this is a property indicating that to become a treatment item a tooth is required. this is, for example, the case with an MOD filling, but not needed for an examination ''' return self.is_tooth or self.type == self.TEETH
[docs] def multi_tooth(self): return self.no_pontics != "0"
[docs] def range_from_node(self, node): ''' returns a list of ints which have been specified in the xml in this way <tooth_range>18..33</tooth_range> ''' ranges = node.getElementsByTagName("tooth_range") if ranges == []: return data = ranges[0].childNodes[0].data.strip() m = re.match("(\d+)\.\.(\d+)$", data) if m: start, finish = m.groups() return range(int(start), int(finish)+1) m = re.match("(\d+)*", data) if m: range_ = [] for tooth in m.groups(): range_.append(int(tooth)) return range_
[docs] def surfaces_required(self): return self.no_surfaces != "0"
@property def _surface_node(self): surface_nodes = self.element.getElementsByTagName("surfaces") if surface_nodes != []: return surface_nodes[0] @property
[docs] def no_surfaces(self): surf_node = self._surface_node if surf_node is None: return "0" return surf_node.attributes["n"].value
[docs] def pontics_required(self): return self.no_pontics != "0"
@property def _pontics_node(self): pontics_nodes = self.element.getElementsByTagName("pontics") if pontics_nodes != []: return pontics_nodes[0] @property
[docs] def no_pontics(self): pontics_node = self._pontics_node if pontics_node is None: return "0" return pontics_node.attributes["n"].value
[docs] def allowed_pontics(self): ''' a list of teeth which can be replaced with this procedure (eg upper teeth only for a P/-) ''' pontics_node = self._pontics_node if pontics_node: range_ = self.range_from_node(pontics_node) if range_ is not None: return range_ return SETTINGS.all_teeth
@property def _span_node(self): span_nodes = self.element.getElementsByTagName("span") if span_nodes != []: return span_nodes[0] @property
[docs] def total_span(self): ''' returns the span of a bridge this is a string, so as to allow values like "3+" ''' if self.is_bridge: span_node = self._span_node if span_node is None: return "0" return span_node.attributes["n"].value
[docs] def material(self): if not self.is_fill: return if "fissure sealant" in self.description.lower(): return "FS" if "amalgam" in self.description.lower(): return "AM" if "composite" in self.description.lower(): return "CO" if "gold" in self.description.lower(): return "GO" if "glass" in self.description.lower(): return "GL" if "porc" in self.description.lower(): return "PO" return "OT"
[docs] def crown_type(self): ''' the code expected by a :doc:`ToothData` object so that an item of this type can be drawn correctly ''' if not self.is_crown: return return "GO"
[docs] def further_info_needed(self): return (self.tooth_required or self.surfaces_required or self.comment_required or self.pontics_required)
def __repr__(self): return "ProcCode - %s"% self.__str__() def __str__(self): return u"%s %s %s"% ( self.category.ljust(28), self.code, self.description.ljust(40)) def __cmp__(self, other): try: return cmp(self.code, other.code) except AttributeError as e: return -1