Source code for lib_openmolar.client.qt4.widgets.diary_widget

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##                                                                           ##
##  Copyright 2010, Neil Wallace <>               ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify     ##
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        ##
##  (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ##
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##  GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                           ##
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##  along with this program.  If not, see <>.    ##
##                                                                           ##

from __future__ import division
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
from random import randint

from lib_openmolar.client.db_orm.diary import _DiarySettings, DiaryDataModel

#            temporary globals                                                #

session_colour = QtGui.QColor("yellow")
appointment_colour = QtGui.QColor("blue")

[docs]class DiaryWidget(QtGui.QWidget, _DiarySettings): ''' A widget comprising a header and a canvas '''
[docs] def __init__(self, parent = None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) _DiarySettings.__init__(self) = QtCore.QDate.currentDate() self._style = self.DAY self.canvas = DiaryCanvas(, self) self.vscroll_bar = QtGui.QScrollBar() self.connect_scrollbars() layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self) layout.setSpacing(2) layout.addWidget(self.canvas) layout.addWidget(self.vscroll_bar) self.connect(self.canvas, QtCore.SIGNAL("resized"), self.set_scroll_values)
[docs] def setModel(self, model): self.model = model self.canvas.setModel(model)
[docs] def connect_scrollbars(self, connect=True): if connect: self.vscroll_bar.valueChanged.connect(self.vscroll) else: self.vscroll_bar.valueChanged.disconnect(self.vscroll)
[docs] def set_date(self, date): = date self.canvas.set_date(date) self.set_scroll_values()
[docs] def set_scroll_values(self): #self.connect_scrollbars(False) if self._style in (self.DAY, self.FOUR_DAY, self.WEEK): height = (self.canvas.left_margin.total_height - self.canvas.canvas_rect.height()) self.vscroll_bar.setRange(0, height) self.vscroll_bar.setValue(height/3) #ie. 8pm 1/3 = 8/24 return max = self.model.rowCount(self._style) - self.canvas.row_count + 1 self.vscroll_bar.setRange(0, max) if self._style in (self.AGENDA, self.TASKS): self.vscroll_bar.setValue(1) else: row_id = self.model.row_from_date(, self._style) self.vscroll_bar.setValue(row_id) #self.connect_scrollbars()
[docs] def vscroll(self, int): self.canvas.vscroll(int)
[docs] def setViewStyle(self, style): ''' set the style as day, fourday, week, fortnight, month or year ''' _DiarySettings.set_style(self, style) self.set_scroll_values() self.canvas.set_style(style)
[docs]class DiaryCanvasTopMargin(_DiarySettings): ''' the left hand column of the canvas(if required) '''
[docs] def __init__(self, date): _DiarySettings.__init__(self) = date self.width = 0 self.calc_height() self._rect = None self._headers = None
[docs] def set_date(self, date): = date self._headers = None
[docs] def calc_height(self): = QtGui.QFontMetrics(QtGui.QApplication.instance().font()) self.height =
[docs] def reset_width(self, width): self.width = width self._rect = None
[docs] def rect(self): if self._rect == None: self._rect = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, self.width, self.height) return self._rect
[docs] def headers(self): if self._headers == None: if self._style == self.DAY: self._headers = [] elif self._style == self.FOUR_DAY: self._headers = [] for i in range(4): self._headers.append( elif self._style == self.WEEK: self._headers = [] dayno = for i in range(1,8): d = self._headers.append(u"%s %s"% (d.shortDayName(i), d.toString("d/MM"))) elif self._style in (self.FORTNIGHT, self.MONTH): self._headers = [] for i in range(1,8): self._headers.append( elif self._style == self.YEAR: labels = [] for i in range(1,8): labels.append([0]) self._headers = (labels * 6)[:37] elif self._style == self.AGENDA: self._headers = [_("Agenda")] elif self._style == self.TASKS: self._headers = [_("Tasks")] else: self._headers = ["whoops!"] return self._headers
[docs] def draw_headers(self, painter): font = painter.font() font.setBold(True) painter.setFont(font) cell_width = self.width / len(self.headers) option = QtGui.QTextOption(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) x = 0 for label in self.headers: rect = QtCore.QRectF(x, 0, cell_width, self.height) painter.drawText(rect, label, option) x += cell_width
[docs] def set_style(self, style): ''' overwrite the base class ''' _DiarySettings.set_style(self, style) self.calc_height() self._headers = None
[docs]class DiaryCanvasLeftMargin(_DiarySettings): ''' the left hand column of the canvas(if required) '''
[docs] def __init__(self): _DiarySettings.__init__(self) = QtGui.QApplication.instance().fontMetrics() self.zoom = 3 self._tick_positions = [] self.reset_height(0) self.calc_width() self._months = None self._rect = None
[docs] def calc_width(self): if self._style == self.YEAR: self.width ="8888") elif self._style in (self.MONTH, self.FORTNIGHT): self.width = 0 else: self.width =" 88:88 ")
[docs] def reset_height(self, height): self.height = height self._rect = None self.cell_height = * self.zoom self.total_height = self.cell_height * 48 self.viewable_cells = self.height // self.cell_height
[docs] def rect(self): if self._rect == None: self._rect = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, self.width, self.height) return self._rect
[docs] def tick_positions(self): ''' return a list of y- co-ordinate where the times are ''' return self._tick_positions
[docs] def draw_headers(self, painter, scroll_value): self._tick_positions = [] def draw_time_headers(): option = QtGui.QTextOption(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) for i in range(48): hour, minute = i//2, i%2*30 y = i * self.cell_height rect = QtCore.QRectF(0, y, self.width, self.cell_height) painter.drawText(rect, "%d:%02d"% (hour, minute), option) self._tick_positions.append(y) if self._style in (self.DAY, self.FOUR_DAY, self.WEEK): draw_time_headers() elif self._style == self.YEAR: font = painter.font() font.setBold(True) painter.setFont(font) cell_height = self.height / 12 option = QtGui.QTextOption(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) for i in range(12): month = self.model.header_data(scroll_value+i, self.YEAR) rect = QtCore.QRectF(0, i * cell_height, self.width, cell_height) painter.drawText(rect, month, option) elif self._style in (self.TASKS, self.AGENDA): cell_height = option = QtGui.QTextOption(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) i, y = scroll_value, 0 while y < self.height: rect = QtCore.QRectF(0, y, self.width, self.cell_height) painter.drawText(rect, "%s" %i, option) self._tick_positions.append(y) y += cell_height i += 1
[docs] def set_style(self, style): _DiarySettings.set_style(self, style) self.calc_width()
[docs]class DayCell(QtCore.QRectF, _DiarySettings): ''' the cell containing data '''
[docs] def __init__(self, rectf): QtCore.QRectF.__init__(self, rectf) self.time_cells = [] = None
[docs] def is_valid(self): return != None
[docs] def has_time_data(self): return self.time_cells != []
[docs]class DiaryCanvas(QtGui.QWidget, _DiarySettings): ''' The Canvas of the diary '''
[docs] def __init__(self, date, parent = None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) _DiarySettings.__init__(self) self.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)) = date self.model = None self.left_margin = DiaryCanvasLeftMargin() self.top_margin = DiaryCanvasTopMargin(date) self.apply_style() self.mouse_pos = QtCore.QPointF() self.setMouseTracking(True) self._year_start_day = 0 #monday self.scroll_value = 0 self.painter_offset_y = 0 self.is_resized = True
[docs] def sizeHint(self): return QtCore.QSize(400, 400)
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): self.mouse_pos = QtCore.QPointF(event.pos()) self.update()
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): for cell in self.day_cells: if cell.contains(self.mouse_pos): message = u"" if cell.has_time_data: for tc in cell.time_cells: mp = QtCore.QPointF(self.mouse_pos) mp.setY(mp.y() - self.painter_offset_y) if tc.contains(mp): message = "%s minutes past midnight<br />"% tc.mpm if cell.is_valid: day_data =, self._style) QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "date", message + day_data.message) break
[docs] def leaveEvent(self, event): self.mouse_pos = QtCore.QPointF() self.update()
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event=None): canvas_width = self.width() - self.left_margin.width canvas_height = self.height() - self.top_margin.height self.left_margin.reset_height(canvas_height) self.top_margin.reset_width(canvas_width) self.canvas_rect = QtCore.QRectF( 0, self.top_margin.height, self.width(), canvas_height) self.verticals = [] if self.no_main_cols > 0: x = self.left_margin.width col_width = canvas_width/self.no_main_cols while x < self.width(): self.verticals.append( QtCore.QLine(x, 0, x, self.height())) x += col_width self.horizontals = [] if self.no_rows > 0: y = self.top_margin.height row_height = canvas_height/self.no_rows while y < self.height(): y += row_height self.horizontals.append(QtCore.QLine(0, y, self.width(), y)) self.day_cells = [] for row in range(self.no_rows): for col in range(self.no_main_cols): rect = QtCore.QRectF( col*col_width + self.left_margin.width, row*row_height + self.top_margin.height, col_width, row_height ) cell = DayCell(rect.adjusted(2,2,-2,-2)) self.day_cells.append(cell) self.set_cell_dates() if self._style in (self.DAY, self.FOUR_DAY, self.WEEK): self.get_time_cells() self.is_resized = True self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("resized"))
[docs] def set_cell_dates(self): if self._style in (self.AGENDA, self.TASKS): for cell in self.day_cells: = None elif self._style in (self.DAY, self.FOUR_DAY): i = 0 for cell in self.day_cells: = i += 1 elif self._style in (self.WEEK,): dayno = i = 1 for cell in self.day_cells: = i += 1 elif self._style in (self.MONTH, self.FORTNIGHT): startdate = self.model.start_date.addDays(self.scroll_value*7) dayno = startdate.dayOfWeek() i = 1 for cell in self.day_cells: = startdate.addDays(i-dayno) i += 1 elif self._style == self.YEAR: for cell in self.day_cells: = None for row in range(12): months_from_start = self.scroll_value + row monthdate = self.model.start_date.addMonths(months_from_start) monthdate = QtCore.QDate(monthdate.year(), monthdate.month(),1) dayno = monthdate.dayOfWeek() for i in range(self.no_main_cols): days_to_add = i +1 - dayno date = monthdate.addDays(days_to_add) if date.month() == monthdate.month(): self.day_cells[row*37 + i].date = date
[docs] def get_time_cells(self): for cell in self.day_cells: cell.time_cells = [] cell_height = self.left_margin.total_height/48 for i in range(48): tr = QtCore.QRectF( cell.topLeft().x(), i*cell_height, cell.width(), cell_height) tr.mpm = i*30 cell.time_cells.append(tr)
[docs] def setModel(self, model): self.model = model self.left_margin.model = model
[docs] def row_count(self): ''' return the number of rows that are visible ''' if self._style in (self.DAY, self.FOUR_DAY, self.WEEK): return self.left_margin.viewable_cells return self.no_rows
[docs] def set_date(self, date): = date self.top_margin.set_date(date) self.year_start_date = date self.resizeEvent() self.update()
[docs] def apply_style(self): self.top_margin.set_style(self._style) self.left_margin.set_style(self._style) self.text_align_option = option = QtGui.QTextOption( QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) if self._style == self.DAY: self.no_rows = 1 self.no_main_cols = 1 elif self._style == self.FOUR_DAY: self.no_rows = 1 self.no_main_cols = 4 elif self._style == self.WEEK: self.no_rows = 1 self.no_main_cols = 7 elif self._style == self.FORTNIGHT: self.no_rows = 2 self.no_main_cols = 7 elif self._style == self.MONTH: self.no_rows = 6 self.no_main_cols = 7 elif self._style == self.YEAR: self.no_rows = 12 self.no_main_cols = 37 self.text_align_option = option = QtGui.QTextOption( QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) elif self._style in (self.AGENDA, self.TASKS): self.no_rows = 1 self.no_main_cols = 1 self.text_align_option = option = QtGui.QTextOption( QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft)
[docs] def set_style(self, style): ''' set the style as day, fourday, week, fortnight, month or year ''' _DiarySettings.set_style(self, style) self.apply_style() self.resizeEvent() self.update()
[docs] def vscroll(self, val): self.scroll_value = val if self._style in (self.FORTNIGHT, self.MONTH, self.YEAR): self.set_cell_dates() self.update()
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event=None): palette = self.palette() painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) painter.fillRect(self.rect(), palette.base().color()) year_rect = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, self.left_margin.width, self.top_margin.height) painter.fillRect(year_rect, palette.highlight().color()) painter.translate(self.left_margin.width, 0) painter.fillRect(self.top_margin.rect, palette.highlight()) painter.restore() painter.translate(0, self.top_margin.height) if self._style == self.YEAR: painter.fillRect(self.left_margin.rect, palette.highlight()) else: painter.fillRect(self.left_margin.rect, palette.alternateBase()) painter.restore() painter.setPen(palette.highlightedText().color()) painter.drawText(year_rect, str(, QtGui.QTextOption(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)) painter.restore() #top header texts (never scrolls) painter.translate(self.left_margin.width, 0) painter.setPen(palette.highlightedText().color()) self.top_margin.draw_headers(painter) painter.restore() self.painter_offset_y = 0 ## the time windows if self._style in (self.DAY, self.FOUR_DAY, self.WEEK): #left header texts painter.setClipRect(self.canvas_rect) self.painter_offset_y = self.top_margin.height-self.scroll_value painter.translate(0, self.painter_offset_y) self.left_margin.draw_headers(painter, 0)#self.scroll_value) for cell in self.day_cells: self.draw_date_cell(cell, painter) if cell.contains(self.mouse_pos): for tr in cell.time_cells: mp = QtCore.QPointF(self.mouse_pos) mp.setY(mp.y() - self.painter_offset_y) if tr.contains(mp): pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor("blue")) pen.setWidth(2) painter.setPen(pen) painter.drawRect(tr) painter.restore() break #minor lines painter.setPen(palette.alternateBase().color()) for tick in self.left_margin.tick_positions: painter.drawLine(0, tick, self.width(), tick) painter.restore() #major lines painter.setPen(palette.windowText().color()) for line in self.verticals: painter.drawLine(line) for line in self.horizontals: painter.drawLine(line) ## the lists elif self._style in (self.TASKS, self.AGENDA): #left header texts painter.translate(0, self.top_margin.height) self.left_margin.draw_headers(painter, self.scroll_value) painter.restore() #minor lines painter.setPen(palette.alternateBase().color()) for tick in self.left_margin.tick_positions: painter.drawLine(0, tick, self.width(), tick) cell = self.day_cells[0] appts = y = self.mouse_pos.y() lines = self.left_margin.tick_positions for i in range(len(lines)-1): if lines[i] < y < lines[i+1]: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor("blue")) pen.setWidth(2) painter.setPen(pen) topLeft = QtCore.QPointF(cell.x(), lines[i]) botRight = QtCore.QPointF(cell.bottomRight().x(), lines[i+1]) cell_rect = QtCore.QRectF(topLeft, botRight) painter.drawRect(cell_rect) painter.restore() try: if i != 0: details = appts[i-1].full_details topLeft = QtCore.QPointF(cell.x(), lines[i]) botRight = QtCore.QPointF(cell.bottomRight().x(), lines[i+1]) cell_rect = QtCore.QRectF(topLeft, botRight) painter.setPen(QtGui.QColor('black')) painter.drawText(cell_rect, details) painter.restore() except IndexError: pass ## the cell views else: #left header texts painter.translate(0, self.top_margin.height) if self._style == self.YEAR: painter.setPen(palette.highlightedText().color()) self.left_margin.draw_headers(painter, self.scroll_value) painter.restore() #major lines painter.setPen(palette.windowText().color()) for line in self.verticals: painter.drawLine(line) for line in self.horizontals: painter.drawLine(line) for cell in self.day_cells: if != None and cell.contains(self.mouse_pos): pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor("blue")) pen.setWidth(2) painter.setPen(pen) painter.drawRect(cell.adjusted(-1,-1,1,1)) painter.restore() self.draw_date_cell(cell, painter) self.is_resized = False
[docs] def draw_date_cell(self, cell, painter): ''' this is the meat of the paint operation. at this point the cell contents are drawn ''' if == None: if self._style == self.YEAR: painter.fillRect(cell.adjusted(-1,-1,1,1), self.palette().background()) return if self._style == self.MONTH: if != painter.fillRect(cell, self.palette().alternateBase()) data =, self._style) if self._style in (self.YEAR, self.MONTH, self.FORTNIGHT): if data.is_public_hol: brush = QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.lightGray) public_hol_rect = cell.adjusted(0, cell.height()*0.8, 0, 0) painter.fillRect(public_hol_rect, brush) if data.public_hol_text: painter.drawText(public_hol_rect, data.public_hol_text) i = if i == 1 and self._style != self.YEAR: font = painter.font() font.setBold(True) painter.setFont(font) d_str = u"%s %s"% (, i) else: d_str = str(i) if>5: painter.setPen(QtGui.QColor("red")) painter.drawText(cell, d_str, self.text_align_option) if data.has_session: #painter.drawText(cell, "session", self.text_align_option) #print "session found", data.session_start, data.session_finish day_mins = 60*24 start = data.minutes_past_midnight(data.session_start) finish = data.minutes_past_midnight(data.session_finish) srect = QtCore.QRectF( cell.x(), cell.y()+start/day_mins * cell.height(), cell.width(), cell.height() * ((finish-start)/day_mins) ) painter.fillRect(srect, session_colour) #painter.drawText(srect, "session", self.text_align_option) if not data.in_bookable_range: painter.setPen(self.palette().background().color()) painter.drawLine(cell.topLeft(), cell.bottomRight()) painter.restore() else: #DAY, FOUR_DAY or WEEK, if data.has_session: day_mins = 60*24 start = data.minutes_past_midnight(data.session_start) finish = data.minutes_past_midnight(data.session_finish) day_height = self.left_margin.total_height srect = QtCore.QRectF( cell.x(), cell.y()+start/day_mins * day_height - self.top_margin.height, cell.width(), day_height * ((finish-start)/day_mins) ) painter.fillRect(srect, session_colour) self.draw_time_cells(cell, data, painter) if not data.in_bookable_range: painter.setPen(self.palette().background().color()) painter.drawLine( cell.x(), cell.y(), cell.width() + self.left_margin.width, self.left_margin.total_height-self.top_margin.height) painter.restore() painter.restore()
[docs] def draw_time_cells(self, cell, data, painter): #for time_cell in cell.time_cells: #pass #painter.drawRect(time_cell) #painter.drawText(time_cell, "%s"% time_cell.mpm) for appointment in data.appointments: if self.is_resized or appointment.rect is None: day_mins = 60*24 start = data.minutes_past_midnight(appointment.start) finish = data.minutes_past_midnight(appointment.finish) day_height = self.left_margin.total_height appointment.rect = QtCore.QRectF( cell.x(), cell.y()+start/day_mins * day_height - self.top_margin.height, cell.width(), day_height * ((finish-start)/day_mins) ) painter.fillRect(appointment.rect, appointment_colour) painter.drawText(appointment.rect, appointment.message)
if __name__ == "__main__": app = QtGui.QApplication([]) dl = QtGui.QDialog() dl.setMinimumSize(500,300) from lib_openmolar.client.db_orm.diary import DiaryDataModel from lib_openmolar.client.connect import DemoClientConnection cc = DemoClientConnection() cc.connect() model = DiaryDataModel() model.load() obj = DiaryWidget(dl) obj.setModel(model) cb = QtGui.QComboBox() cb.addItems(["Day","4 day", "week", "fortnight", "month", "year", "agenda", "tasks"]) cb.currentIndexChanged.connect(obj.setViewStyle) layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(dl) layout.setMargin(0) layout.addWidget(obj) layout.addWidget(cb) dl.exec_()