Source code for lib_openmolar.client.qt4.widgets.chart_widgets.tooth_data

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##                                                                           ##
##  Copyright 2010, Neil Wallace <>               ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify     ##
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        ##
##  (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ##
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##  GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                           ##
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##  along with this program.  If not, see <>.    ##
##                                                                           ##

import logging
import re

from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
from lib_openmolar.client.classes import Tooth

[docs]class ToothDataError(Exception): ''' a custom exception '''
[docs] def __init__(self, value): self.value = value
def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
[docs]class ToothData(object): ''' a custom object which holds information about a filling, crown or comment NOTE - filled surfaces are stored as MODBL - so I and P surfaces are translated if used for user interaction. This class can be displayed by a variety of views, namely :doc:`ChartWidgetBase` (and it's ancestors) or :doc:`ToothDataEditor` ''' #: FILLING = 0 #: CROWN = 1 #: ROOT = 2 #: COMMENT = 3 #: default is None type = None
[docs] def __init__(self, tooth_id): ''' :param: int .. note:: tooth id should comply with :doc:`../../misc/tooth_notation` ''' #: self.tooth_id = tooth_id self._tooth = None #: self.in_database = False #: self.error_message = "" #attributes when data is a filling self._surfaces = '' self._material = '' self._surfaces_to_draw = None #private attribute #attributes when data is a crown self._crown_type = '' self._technition = '' self.root_type = '' '''attributes when data is a root''' #common to all types self._comment = '' #: self.proc_code = None #: self.svg = None
[docs] def tooth(self): ''' the :doc:`Tooth` for this data ''' if self._tooth is None: self._tooth = Tooth(self.tooth_id) return self._tooth
[docs] def surfaces(self): return self._surfaces
[docs] def material(self): return self._material
def set_material(self, material): self._material = material @property
[docs] def crown_type(self): return self._crown_type
[docs] def technition(self): return self._technition
[docs] def set_technition(self, technition): self._technition = technition
[docs] def comment(self): return self._comment
[docs] def set_comment(self, comment): self._comment = comment
[docs] def is_valid(self): if self.is_fissure_sealant: return True elif self.type == self.FILLING: return self.surfaces != "" elif self.type == self.CROWN: return self.crown_type !="" return False
[docs] def set_type(self, type): self.type = type
[docs] def is_fissure_sealant(self): return self.type == self.FILLING and self.material == "FS"
[docs] def is_fill(self): return self.type == self.FILLING
[docs] def is_crown(self): return self.type == self.CROWN
[docs] def is_root(self): return self.type == self.ROOT
[docs] def is_comment(self): return self.type == self.COMMENT
[docs] def set_crown_type(self, crown_type): if not self.is_crown: raise ToothDataError("This is not a crown") self._crown_type = crown_type
[docs] def set_root_type(self, root_type): if not self.is_root: raise ToothDataError("This is not a root") self.root_type = root_type
[docs] def set_surfaces(self, surfaces): if not self.is_fill: raise ToothDataError("This is not a filling") self._surfaces = surfaces
[docs] def set_material(self, material): self._material = material
[docs] def surfaces_to_draw(self): ''' this value is the surfaces mirrored to allow quadrant agnostic values. essentially this converts the surfaces to what they would be if the tooth were in the upper right quadrant. ''' if self._surfaces_to_draw: return self._surfaces_to_draw #only do this once. ds = self.surfaces[:] if self.tooth.quadrant in (2,3): #mirror left/right ds = ds.replace("M","m").replace("D","M").replace("m","D") if self.tooth.quadrant in (3,4): #mirror up/down ds = ds.replace("B","b").replace("L","B").replace("b","L") self._surfaces_to_draw = ds return ds
[docs] def brush(self): ''' a QtGui.QBrush instance ''' if self.is_fill: return QtGui.QApplication.instance().palette().buttonText() else: return QtGui.QApplication.instance().palette().dark()
[docs] def icon(self): if self.is_fissure_sealant: return QtGui.QIcon(":icons/fissure_sealant.png") elif self.is_fill: return QtGui.QIcon(":icons/filling.png") elif self.is_root: return QtGui.QIcon(":icons/root.png") elif self.is_crown: return QtGui.QIcon(":icons/crown.png") elif self.is_comment: return QtGui.QIcon(":icons/openmolar.png") return QtGui.QIcon(":icons/openmolar.png")
[docs] def text(self): ''' a human readable description of this data ''' text = "unknown item!" if self.is_fissure_sealant: return _("fissure sealant") elif self.type == self.FILLING: text = "%s,%s"% (self.display_surfaces, self.material) elif self.type == self.CROWN: # lookup the crown in known types.. else give it straight crown_dict = SETTINGS.OM_TYPES["crowns"].readable_dict text = crown_dict.get(self.crown_type, self.crown_type) elif self.type == self.ROOT: root_dict = SETTINGS.OM_TYPES["root_description"].readable_dict text = root_dict.get(self.root_type, self.root_type) elif self.type == self.COMMENT: text = self.comment return text
[docs] def from_fill_string(self, fill_string): ''' :param: fill_string (string) takes "MOD,CO" and converts it to a property ''' if fill_string.startswith("FS"): self.set_type(self.FILLING) self._material = "FS" return try: surfaces, self._material = fill_string.split(",") self.set_type(self.FILLING) self.set_surfaces(surfaces) except TypeError: pass except ValueError: pass
[docs] def from_user_input(self, input): ''' :param: input (QString) this input has come from a line edit.. so has to be checked for sanity ''' LOGGER.debug("from_user_input - '%s'"% input) if input.startsWith("CR"): self.parse_crown_input(input) elif input.startsWith("R"): if input == "RT": # a shortcut for the lazy input = "R,RT" self.parse_root_input(input) elif input.startsWith("#"): self.parse_comment_input(input) elif input == "FS": self.from_fill_string("FS") else: input = self.parse_fill_input(input) self.proc_code = SETTINGS.PROCEDURE_CODES.convert_user_shortcut(input)
[docs] def from_treatment_item_metadata(self, t_i_meta): ''' this input has come from a treatment_item (which is a class generated by a dialog which adds necessary data to a procedure code) ''' self.proc_code = t_i_meta.parent_item.code if t_i_meta.is_fill: self.set_type(self.FILLING) self.set_surfaces(t_i_meta.surfaces) self.set_material(t_i_meta.material) elif t_i_meta.is_crown: self.set_type(self.CROWN) self.set_crown_type(self.proc_code.crown_type) elif t_i_meta.is_splint: self.set_type(self.ROOT) self.set_root_type("SPLINT") elif t_i_meta.is_root: self.set_type(self.ROOT) self.set_root_type("unknown") else: self.set_type(self.COMMENT) self.set_comment(t_i_meta.description)
[docs] def parse_fill_input(self, input, decode=True): input_list = input.split(",") surf = input_list[0] if decode: if self.tooth.is_upper: surf = surf.replace("L","X") #garbage entered.. ensure error fires surf = surf.replace("P","L") if self.tooth.is_fronttooth: surf = surf.replace("O","X") #garbage entered.. ensure error fires surf = surf.replace("I","O") if not re.match("[MODBL]{1,5}$", surf): raise ToothDataError("one or more invalid filling surface") if len(set(surf)) != len(surf): raise ToothDataError("duplicate surfaces found") self.set_type(self.FILLING) self._surfaces = surf try: material = input_list[1] if not material in SETTINGS.allowed_fill_materials: raise IndexError self._material = material except IndexError: self._material = self.tooth.default_material return "%s,%s"% (self.surfaces, self.material)
[docs] def parse_crown_input(self, input): input_list = input.split(",") surfs = input_list[0].split("/") input_list[0] = surfs[0] if len(surfs) > 1: self._surfaces = surfs[1] if input_list[0] != "CR": raise ToothDataError( "bad crown input, format is CR[/surfaces],[type]") self.set_type(self.CROWN) try: crown_type = input_list[1] if not crown_type in SETTINGS.allowed_crown_types: raise IndexError except IndexError: crown_type = SETTINGS.allowed_crown_types[-1] self._crown_type = unicode(crown_type)
[docs] def parse_root_input(self, input): input_list = input.split(",") if input_list[0] != "R": raise ToothDataError("bad root input, format is R,[type]") self.set_type(self.ROOT) try: root_type = input_list[1] if not root_type in SETTINGS.allowed_root_types: raise IndexError except IndexError: root_type = SETTINGS.allowed_root_types[-1] self.root_type = unicode(root_type)
[docs] def parse_comment_input(self, input): self.set_type(self.COMMENT) self.set_comment(unicode(input).strip("#"))
[docs] def display_surfaces(self): ''' convert from om_datatype (where P and I are stored as L and O respcetively) ''' surf = self.surfaces[:] if self.tooth: if self.tooth.is_upper: surf = surf.replace("L","P") if self.tooth.is_fronttooth: surf = surf.replace("O","I") return surf
[docs] def fill_material(self): return self.material
def __repr__(self): if self.is_fill: return "ToothData FILLING tooth_id=%s surfaces=%s material=%s"% ( self.tooth_id, self.surfaces, self.material) if self.is_crown: return "ToothData CROWN tooth_id=%s type=%s"% ( self.tooth_id, self.type) return "ToothData Instance tooth_id=%s"% self.tooth_id