Source code for lib_openmolar.client.qt4.widgets.chart_widgets.chart_widget_base

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##                                                                           ##
##  Copyright 2010, Neil Wallace <>               ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify     ##
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        ##
##  (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ##
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##  GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                           ##
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##  along with this program.  If not, see <>.    ##
##                                                                           ##

this module provides the ChartWidgetBase class, which is inherited by all
other charts.

from __future__ import division

import types

from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore

import teeth
import roots

import chart_data_model

from lib_openmolar.client.qt4.widgets.chart_widgets import tooth_data

from lib_openmolar.client.qt4.widgets.chart_widgets import perio_data

[docs]class ChartWidgetBase(QtGui.QWidget): ''' a custom widget to show a standard UK dental chart allows for user navigation with mouse and/or keyboard ''' #: CHART_STYLE_MIXED = 1 #: CHART_STYLE_DECIDUOUS = 2 #: CHART_STYLE_SIMPLE = 3 #: CHART_STYLE_COMPLEX = 4 #: CHART_STYLE_COMPLEX_PLUS = 4.5 #: CHART_STYLE_ROOTS = 5 #: CHART_STYLE_PERIO = 6
[docs] def __init__(self, model=None, parent=None): super(ChartWidgetBase, self).__init__(parent) self.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)) self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus) self.setMinimumSize(self.minimumSizeHint()) #: self.show_LR = True #: self.show_selected = False #: self.setMouseTracking(True) #: self.draw_deciduous = True #: self.draw_permanent = True #: self.draw_roots = False #: self.draw_perio = False #:relative width of the inner rows self.inner_percentage = 0.6 #: populated during resize event self.teeth = {} self._current_tooth = None #: self.focused = False #: self.borderX = 4 #shadow border width #: self.borderY = 4 #: self.key_press_dict = {} if model is None: model = chart_data_model.ChartDataModel() #: the relevant :doc:`ChartDataModel` self.chart_data_model = model self.chart_data_model.register_view(self) self.init_teeth_and_roots() self.setStyle(SETTINGS.default_chart_style) #: self.allow_multi_select = True
[docs] def minimumSizeHint(self): return QtCore.QSize(200,90)
[docs] def sizeHint(self): return QtCore.QSize(500, 200)
[docs] def model_changed(self): ''' called when underlying model has altered ''' self.resizeEvent() # <- faciliates the graphics loading of fillings. self.update()
[docs] def setStyle(self, enum): if enum == self.CHART_STYLE_DECIDUOUS: self.deciduous_style() elif enum == self.CHART_STYLE_MIXED: self.mixed_style() elif enum == self.CHART_STYLE_SIMPLE: self.simple_style() elif enum == self.CHART_STYLE_COMPLEX: self.complex_style() elif enum == self.CHART_STYLE_COMPLEX_PLUS: self.complex_style() self.draw_perio = True elif enum == self.CHART_STYLE_ROOTS: self.roots_style() elif enum == self.CHART_STYLE_PERIO: self.perio_style() else: print "unknown chart style called!!" self.set_current_tooth(None) self.resizeEvent() self.update()
[docs] def deciduous_style(self): self._style = self.CHART_STYLE_DECIDUOUS SETTINGS.visible_chart_rows = (0,3) self.draw_deciduous = True self.draw_permanent = False self.draw_roots = False self.draw_perio = False self.inner_percentage = 0.2 #relative width of the inner rows
[docs] def mixed_style(self): self._style = self.CHART_STYLE_MIXED SETTINGS.visible_chart_rows = (0,1,2,3) self.draw_deciduous = True self.draw_permanent = True self.draw_roots = False self.draw_perio = False self.inner_percentage = 0.6 #relative width of the inner rows
[docs] def simple_style(self): self._style = self.CHART_STYLE_MIXED SETTINGS.visible_chart_rows = (1,2) self.draw_deciduous = False self.draw_permanent = True self.draw_roots = False self.draw_perio = False self.inner_percentage = 0.8 #relative width of the inner rows
[docs] def complex_style(self): self._style = self.CHART_STYLE_COMPLEX SETTINGS.visible_chart_rows = (1,2) self.draw_deciduous = False self.draw_permanent = True self.draw_roots = True self.draw_perio = False self.inner_percentage = 0.5 #relative width of the inner rows
[docs] def roots_style(self): self._style = self.CHART_STYLE_ROOTS SETTINGS.visible_chart_rows = (1,2) self.draw_deciduous = False self.draw_permanent = False self.draw_roots = True self.draw_perio = False self.inner_percentage = 0.1 #relative width of the inner rows
[docs] def perio_style(self): self._style = self.CHART_STYLE_PERIO SETTINGS.visible_chart_rows = (1,2) self.draw_deciduous = False self.draw_permanent = False self.draw_roots = True self.draw_perio = True self.inner_percentage = 0 #relative width of the inner rows
[docs] def clear(self): ''' refreshes the chart (and underlying data model) ''' self.set_current_tooth(None) for tooth in self.iterate_teeth(): tooth.set_is_present(True) tooth.is_selected = False if tooth.root: tooth.root.set_is_present(True) self.chart_data_model.clear() self.update()
[docs] def add_key_press_function(self, key, function): ''' used by widgets which inherit from this class eg. widg.add_key_press_function(QtCore.Qt.Key_ControlA, widg.do_something) ''' self.key_press_dict[key] = function
[docs] def init_teeth_and_roots(self): for row in (1,2,0,3) : # upper, lower, upper dec, lower dec for col in range(len(SETTINGS.TOOTH_GRID[row])): # number of teeth! tooth_id = SETTINGS.TOOTH_GRID[row][col] if tooth_id != 0: tooth = teeth.ChartTooth(tooth_id, self.chart_data_model) if row in (1,2): #adult teeth have roots root = roots.ChartRoot(tooth_id, self.chart_data_model) tooth.root = root self.teeth[tooth_id] = tooth
[docs] def set_known_teeth(self, key): ''' sets which teeth are present from a 64bit integer key opposite function is found in the static chart subclass ''' dent_key = SETTINGS.tooth_decoder.decode(key) i = 0 for row in SETTINGS.TOOTH_GRID: for tooth_id in row: tooth = self.teeth.get(tooth_id) if tooth: tooth.set_is_present( if tooth.root: tooth.root.set_is_present( i += 1 self.update()
[docs] def tooth_from_ref(self, ref): for tooth in self.iterate_teeth(): if tooth.tooth_id == ref: return tooth
[docs] def choose_teeth(self): for tooth in self.iterate_teeth(): if tooth.is_deciduous: tooth.set_ignore(not self.draw_deciduous) else: tooth.set_ignore(not self.draw_permanent) if tooth.root: tooth.root.set_ignore(not self.draw_roots)
[docs] def iterate_teeth(self, visible_only=False): for row in SETTINGS.TOOTH_GRID: for tooth_id in row: tooth = self.teeth.get(tooth_id) if tooth: if visible_only: if not tooth.ignore: yield tooth elif tooth.root and not tooth.root.ignore: yield tooth else: yield tooth
[docs] def clear_selection(self): ''' set every tooth to is_selected =False ''' for tooth in self.iterate_teeth(): tooth.is_selected = False if tooth.root: tooth.root.is_selected = False
[docs] def current_tooth(self): return self._current_tooth
[docs] def set_current_tooth(self, new_tooth=None, set_as_selected=True): ''' overloaded function, tooth can be either a reference, or a tooth object, or NoneType to deselect all NOTE - if a reference is sent, all other selections will be cleared! ''' ## case where new_tooth is an integer if type(new_tooth) == types.IntType: ref = new_tooth self.clear_selection() return self.set_current_tooth(self.tooth_from_ref(new_tooth)) ## case where new_tooth is of type "Tooth" if self._current_tooth != new_tooth: self._current_tooth = new_tooth if new_tooth and set_as_selected: new_tooth.is_selected = True if new_tooth.root: new_tooth.root.is_selected = True return True
[docs] def selected_teeth(self): selected = [] for tooth in self.iterate_teeth(): if tooth.is_selected: selected.append(tooth.tooth_id) if not selected: self.set_current_tooth(None) return selected
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event=None): ''' initiate/update allsizes ''' ho_padding = 6 #horizontal padding (around the midline) ve_padding = 15 #vertical padding (around the midline) ve_half_pad = ve_padding/2 row_padding = 2 #between the deciduous and perm row ## allow for a border self.contents_rect = self.rect().adjusted( self.borderX, self.borderY, -self.borderX, -self.borderY) cell_width = (self.contents_rect.width()- ho_padding) / 16 cell_height = (self.contents_rect.height()- ve_padding - (2*row_padding)) / 2 outer_height = cell_height * self.inner_percentage perm_height = cell_height - outer_height row_heights = (outer_height, perm_height, perm_height, outer_height) for row in range(len(SETTINGS.TOOTH_GRID)): # upper dec, upper, lower, lower dec for col in range(len(SETTINGS.TOOTH_GRID[row])): # number of teeth! top_y = 0 if row < 2 else cell_height + ve_padding row_height = row_heights[row] # QRectF.__init__(topLeft, topright, width, height) full_cell = QtCore.QRectF(self.borderX + col * cell_width, self.borderY + top_y, cell_width, cell_height) if row == 0 and col < 8: # upper right deciduous cell = full_cell.adjusted( 0, 0, 0, -row_height) elif row == 0 and col > 7: # upper left deciduous cell = full_cell.adjusted( ho_padding, 0, ho_padding, -row_height) elif row == 1 and col < 8: # upper right permanent cell = full_cell.adjusted( 0, row_height + row_padding, 0, 0) elif row == 1 and col > 7: # upper left permanent cell = full_cell.adjusted( ho_padding, row_height + row_padding, ho_padding, 0) elif row == 2 and col > 7: # lower left permanent cell = full_cell.adjusted( ho_padding, 0, ho_padding, -row_height) elif row == 2 and col < 8: # lower right permanent cell = full_cell.adjusted( 0, 0, 0, -row_height) elif row == 3 and col > 7: # lower left deciduous cell = full_cell.adjusted( ho_padding, row_height + row_padding, ho_padding, 0) elif row == 3 and col < 8: # lower right deciduous cell = full_cell.adjusted( 0, row_height + row_padding, 0, 0) else: continue tooth_id = SETTINGS.TOOTH_GRID[row][col] if tooth_id != 0: self.teeth[tooth_id].set_rect(cell) if row in (0,3): root_row = 1 if row == 0 else 2 tooth_id = SETTINGS.TOOTH_GRID[root_row][col] self.teeth[tooth_id].root.set_rect(cell) self.choose_teeth()
[docs] def focusInEvent(self, event): self.focused = True self.update() self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("Focused"))
[docs] def focusOutEvent(self, event): self.focused = False self.update()
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): redraw_needed = False point = QtCore.QPointF(event.pos()) for tooth in self.iterate_teeth(): if tooth.root and not tooth.root.ignore: under_mouse = tooth.root.rect.contains(point) if tooth.root.under_mouse != under_mouse: tooth.root.under_mouse = under_mouse redraw_needed = True if not tooth.ignore: under_mouse = tooth.rect.contains(point) if under_mouse != tooth.under_mouse: tooth.under_mouse = under_mouse redraw_needed = True if redraw_needed: self.update()
[docs] def leaveEvent(self, event): redraw_needed = False for tooth in self.iterate_teeth(): if tooth.root and tooth.root.under_mouse: tooth.root.under_mouse = False redraw_needed = True if tooth.under_mouse: tooth.under_mouse = False redraw_needed = True if redraw_needed: self.update()
def _shift_select(self, next_tooth): current_selection = self.selected_teeth if current_selection == []: next_tooth.set_selected(True) return newly_selected = [] min_selected = min(current_selection) max_selected = max(current_selection) if next_tooth.tooth_id < min_selected: newly_selected += range(min_selected, next_tooth.tooth_id, -1) if next_tooth.tooth_id > max_selected: newly_selected += range(next_tooth.tooth_id, max_selected, -1) for ref in newly_selected: tooth = self.tooth_from_ref(ref) if tooth: tooth.set_selected(True)
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): if not self.current_tooth: self.mousePressEvent(event) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("DoubleClicked"), self._current_tooth)
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): current_tooth = self.current_tooth current_selection = self.selected_teeth ctrl_mod = (self.allow_multi_select and event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier) shift_mod = (self.allow_multi_select and event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier) point = QtCore.QPointF(event.pos()) next_tooth = None for tooth in self.iterate_teeth(): if tooth.under_mouse or ( tooth.root and tooth.root.under_mouse): next_tooth = tooth break if not (ctrl_mod or shift_mod): self.clear_selection() self.set_current_tooth(next_tooth) else: if next_tooth: if shift_mod: self._shift_select(next_tooth) self.set_current_tooth(next_tooth) else: #(ctrl_mod) self.set_current_tooth(next_tooth, False) next_tooth.toggle_selection() self.redraw_check(current_selection, current_tooth)
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): key = event.key() current_tooth = self.current_tooth ctrl_mod = (self.allow_multi_select and event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier) shift_mod = (self.allow_multi_select and event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier) # check to see if 1st key pressed .. no tooth selected if not current_tooth: if not event.key() in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Control, QtCore.Qt.Key_Shift): new_ref = 1 if self.draw_permanent else 65 else: QtGui.QWidget.keyPressEvent(self, event) return elif event.key() in self.key_press_dict.keys(): new_ref = self.key_press_dict[key]() ## call inherited functions. elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Return: new_ref = current_tooth.ref_next elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Right: new_ref = current_tooth.ref_right elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Left: new_ref = current_tooth.ref_left elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Up: new_ref = current_tooth.row_up elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Down: new_ref = current_tooth.row_down else: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("key_press"), event) QtGui.QWidget.keyPressEvent(self, event) return next_tooth = self.tooth_from_ref(new_ref) if next_tooth == current_tooth: return current_selection = self.selected_teeth if not (ctrl_mod or shift_mod): self.clear_selection() self.set_current_tooth(next_tooth) else: if next_tooth: if shift_mod: self._shift_select(next_tooth) self.set_current_tooth(next_tooth) else: #(ctrl_mod) self.set_current_tooth(next_tooth, False) next_tooth.toggle_selection() self.redraw_check(current_selection, current_tooth)
[docs] def redraw_check(self, previous_selection=None, previous_current_tooth=None): redraw_needed = False if self.current_tooth != previous_current_tooth: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("current tooth changed")) redraw_needed = True new_selection = self.selected_teeth if new_selection != previous_selection: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("selection changed"), new_selection) redraw_needed = True if redraw_needed: self.update()
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event=None): ''' overrides the paint event so that we can draw our grid note - other charts will re-implement this! ''' self.draw_background() self.draw_mid_lines() self.draw_grid()
[docs] def draw_background(self): painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing, True) if self.focused: painter.setBrush(self.palette().light()) else: painter.setBrush(self.palette().mid()) painter.setPen(painter.brush().color()) painter.drawRoundedRect(self.rect(), 6,6) painter.setBrush(self.palette().window()) painter.setPen(painter.brush().color()) painter.drawRoundedRect(self.rect().adjusted( self.borderX/2, self.borderY/2, -self.borderX/2, -self.borderY/2), 6,6)
[docs] def draw_mid_lines(self): painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing, True) #-- enable/disable differences if self.isEnabled(): c = QtGui.QColor( if not self.focused: c.setAlpha(100) pen = QtGui.QPen(c, 2) painter.setPen(pen) else: painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.gray, 2)) if self.show_LR: fm = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self.font()) right_pad = self.borderX + fm.width("Right ") left_pad = self.borderX + fm.width(" Left") else: right_pad, left_pad = 0, 0 #--big horizontal dissection of entire widget painter.drawLine(right_pad, self.height() / 2, self.width() - left_pad, self.height() / 2) #--vertical dissection of entire widget painter.drawLine(self.width() / 2, self.borderY, self.width() / 2, self.contents_rect.height()) if self.show_LR: if self.isEnabled(): c = QtGui.QColor( if not self.focused: c.setAlpha(100) pen = QtGui.QPen(c, 2) painter.setPen(pen) else: painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.gray, 1)) align = QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter painter.drawText(self.contents_rect, align, _("Left")) align = QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft| QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter painter.drawText(self.contents_rect, align, _("Right"))
[docs] def draw_tooth(self, tooth, painter): ''' often overwritten by charts which inherits from this one ''' if not tooth.ignore: tooth.draw_structure(painter)
[docs] def draw_selections(self, tooth, painter): if (not self.isEnabled() or tooth.ignore or tooth.is_root and self._style != self.CHART_STYLE_ROOTS): return if tooth == self._current_tooth: colour, pen_width = QtCore.Qt.darkBlue , 2 elif tooth.is_selected: colour, pen_width =, 2 elif tooth.under_mouse: colour, pen_width = QtCore.Qt.cyan, 1 else: return c = QtGui.QColor(colour) if not self.focused: c.setAlpha(100) include_root = not self._style == self.CHART_STYLE_MIXED pen = QtGui.QPen(c, pen_width) painter.setPen(pen) painter.drawRoundedRect(tooth.select_rect(include_root), 6 ,6)
[docs] def draw_grid(self): painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing, True) for tooth in self.iterate_teeth(visible_only=True): pen = QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.gray, 1) painter.setPen(pen) self.draw_tooth(tooth, painter) tooth.draw_restorations(painter) self.draw_selections(tooth, painter) if self.draw_roots and tooth.root: self.draw_tooth(tooth.root, painter) self.draw_selections(tooth.root, painter)
class __TestDialog(QtGui.QDialog): ''' this class is for testing purposes only ''' def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowTitle("ChartWidgetBase Tester") self.label = QtGui.QLabel() self.chart = ChartWidgetBase() self.connect(self.chart, QtCore.SIGNAL("selection changed"), self.sig_catcher) self.connect(self.chart, QtCore.SIGNAL("DoubleClicked"), self.sig_catcher) but_frame = QtGui.QFrame() layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(but_frame) for chart_style_name, chart_style_type in SETTINGS.chart_styles: but = QtGui.QPushButton(chart_style_name) but.enum = chart_style_type but.clicked.connect(self.but_clicked) layout.addWidget(but) layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) layout.addWidget(self.label) layout.addWidget(self.chart) layout.addWidget(but_frame) def but_clicked(self): self.chart.setStyle(self.sender().enum) def sig_catcher(self, arg): try: tooth_name = self.chart.current_tooth.long_name except AttributeError: #current_tooth can be None tooth_name = "" self.label.setText(tooth_name) if __name__ == "__main__": app = QtGui.QApplication([]) dl = __TestDialog() dl.exec_()