Source code for lib_openmolar.client.qt4.widgets.chart_editor.tooth_data_editor

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##                                                                           ##
##  Copyright 2010, Neil Wallace <>               ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify     ##
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        ##
##  (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ##
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##  GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                           ##
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##  along with this program.  If not, see <>.    ##
##                                                                           ##

import logging
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui

from lib_openmolar.client.qt4.widgets import chart_widgets

from tooth_data_list_widget import ToothDataListWidget
from chart_line_edit import ChartLineEdit
from chart_editor_tooth import ToothEditor
from navigate_frame import NavigateFrame
from static_shortcuts_frame import StaticShortcutsFrame

from lib_openmolar.client.qt4.widgets.procedures.crown_codes_model \
    import CrownCodesModel

[docs]class ToothDataEditor(QtGui.QWidget): ''' this class provides the widget for the right hand side of the charts page ''' #: STATIC_MODE = 0 #: PLANNING_MODE = 1 #: mode = STATIC_MODE
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) #: a pointer to the chart being edited self.current_chart = None #: self.current_tooth = None #: self.tooth_label = QtGui.QLabel("") self.tooth_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) #: self.line_edit = ChartLineEdit(self) #: a pointer to the :doc:`ToothDataListWidget` self.tooth_data_list_widget = ToothDataListWidget() #: a pointer to the :doc:`ToothEditor` self.tooth_editor = ToothEditor(self) self.roots_combo_box = QtGui.QComboBox() '''populated with :doc:`OMTypes` ["root_description"].selections''' self.roots_combo_box.addItem(_("ROOTS")) root_list = SETTINGS.OM_TYPES["root_description"].selections self.roots_combo_box.addItems(root_list) #: populated with :doc:`CrownCodesModel` self.crowns_combo_box = QtGui.QComboBox() self.crowns_combo_box.setModel(CrownCodesModel()) #: self.navigate_buttons = NavigateFrame() #: self.static_buttons = StaticShortcutsFrame() #: self.show_fee_widget_button = QtGui.QPushButton(_("Procedure Codes")) edit_frame = QtGui.QFrame() layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(edit_frame) layout.setMargin(0) layout.setSpacing(0) layout.addWidget(self.tooth_data_list_widget) layout.addWidget(self.line_edit) splitter = QtGui.QSplitter(self) splitter.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Vertical) splitter.addWidget(edit_frame) splitter.addWidget(self.tooth_editor) splitter.addWidget(self.navigate_buttons) splitter.addWidget(self.static_buttons) splitter.addWidget(self.roots_combo_box) splitter.addWidget(self.crowns_combo_box) splitter.addWidget(self.show_fee_widget_button) self.connect_signals() layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) layout.setMargin(0) layout.addWidget(self.tooth_label) layout.addWidget(splitter) self.connect(self.static_buttons, QtCore.SIGNAL("Shortcut"), self.shortcut_received)
[docs] def advise(self, *args): if __name__ == "__main__": print args self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("Advise"), *args)
[docs] def set_mode(self, static=True): ''' this widget has two modes.. static or planning ''' self.current_chart = self.sender() current_mode = self.mode self.mode = self.STATIC_MODE if static else self.PLANNING_MODE if current_mode != self.mode: self.apply_mode()
[docs] def apply_mode(self): if self.mode == self.STATIC_MODE: else: self.static_buttons.hide()
[docs] def is_dirty(self): return self.line_edit.text() != ""
[docs] def minimumSizeHint(self): return QtCore.QSize(80,200)
[docs] def sizeHint(self): return QtCore.QSize(200,600)
[docs] def clear(self): self.current_tooth = None self.tooth_label.setText("") self.tooth_editor.clear() self.tooth_data_list_widget.clear() self.line_edit.setText("")
[docs] def shortcut_received(self, shortcut): ''' this is connected to the static_buttons ''' if shortcut == "TM": self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("toggle_tooth_present")) elif shortcut == "AT": self.advise("AT doesn't work yet") else: self.line_edit.setText(shortcut) self.line_edit.finished_edit()
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): self.line_edit.keyPressEvent(event)
[docs] def add_property_to_current_tooth(self): if not self.current_tooth: LOGGER.debug("not adding property.. no current tooth selected") return tooth_data = chart_widgets.ToothData(self.current_tooth.tooth_id) input = self.line_edit.trimmed_text if self.mode == self.STATIC_MODE: try: tooth_data.from_user_input(input) self.current_tooth.add_property(tooth_data) self.tooth_data_list_widget.setTooth(self.current_tooth) return True except chart_widgets.ToothDataError as e: self.invalid_input(e) return False else: plan_or_cmp = self.current_chart.treatment_addition_cat try: tooth_data.from_user_input(input) except chart_widgets.ToothDataError as e: pass tooth_data.tx_input = input self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("add treatment"), tooth_data, plan_or_cmp)
[docs] def invalid_input(self, error=""): ''' alert the user that the text entered is garbage, and offer to delete it ''' if QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, _("question"), u"error from input '%s'<br />%s<hr />delete input?"% ( self.line_edit.trimmed_text, error), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes|QtGui.QMessageBox.No, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes) == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: self.line_edit.setText("")
[docs] def valid_input(self): ''' clear the line edit ''' self.line_edit.setText("")
[docs] def add_crown_property_to_current_tooth(self, index): ''' catches a signal that the row of the crown combobox has changed ''' ##TODO - this is broken!!! if not self.current_tooth or index == 0: #row 0 is a header pass else: model = self.crowns_combo_box.model() index = model.index(index) chosen_crown =, QtCore.Qt.UserRole) tooth_data = chart_widgets.ToothData(self.current_tooth.tooth_id) tooth_data.from_proc_code(chosen_crown) self.current_tooth.add_property(to) self.tooth_data_list_widget.setTooth(self.current_tooth) try: chart = self.current_tooth.data_model.views[0] plan_or_cmp = chart.treatment_addition_cat ## this signal is eventually caught by the ## treaments page.chart_treatment_added self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("add treatment"), prop, plan_or_cmp) except AttributeError: #static chart doesn't have a treatment_added attribute pass self.crowns_combo_box.setCurrentIndex(0)
[docs] def apply_edits(self): if not self.is_dirty: return True return self.add_property_to_current_tooth()
[docs] def tooth_editor_input_finished(self): self.apply_edits() self.line_edit.setText("")
[docs] def nav_key(self, event): ''' pass on some key presses to the current chart ''' if self.current_chart: self.current_chart.keyPressEvent(event)
[docs] def navigate(self, direction): ''' catches signals from components requesting a move to another tooth ''' if self.current_tooth is None: new_ref = None elif direction == "next": new_ref = self.current_tooth.ref_next elif direction == "prev": new_ref = self.current_tooth.ref_prev else: new_ref = None result = self.apply_edits() if result: self.line_edit.clear() else: return if direction == "stay": return if self.current_chart: self.current_chart.set_current_tooth(new_ref) self.current_chart.redraw_check()
[docs] def setTooth(self, tooth): ''' make the editor aware of the tooth selected by the charts ''' if not self.apply_edits(): return False self.current_tooth = tooth self.tooth_editor.setTooth(tooth) if tooth: self.tooth_label.setText(tooth.long_name) self.tooth_data_list_widget.setTooth(tooth) self.line_edit.setText("") #self.line_edit.setText(tooth.line_edit_text) else: self.clear() return True
[docs] def updateSurfaces(self, arg): existing = str(self.line_edit.text().toAscii()) keep = "" currentFill = existing if "," in currentFill: #we have a material split = currentFill.split(",") mat = "," + split[1] currentFill = self.tooth_editor.tooth_widget.filledSurfaces + mat else: #virgin tooth currentFill = arg self.line_edit.setText(keep+currentFill)
[docs] def updateMaterial(self, arg): existing = str(self.line_edit.text().toAscii()) keep = "" currentFill = existing if "," in currentFill: #already a material set! replace it. split = currentFill.split(",") surfaces = split[0] currentFill = surfaces+","+arg else: currentFill += "," + arg self.line_edit.setText(keep + currentFill)
def _call_fee_widget(self): ''' the "procedure codes" button has been pressed, emit a signal ''' self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("Show Fee Widget"))
[docs] def connect_signals(self): self.connect(self.tooth_editor.tooth_widget, QtCore.SIGNAL("toothSurface"), self.updateSurfaces) self.connect(self.tooth_editor.tooth_widget, QtCore.SIGNAL("material"),self.updateMaterial) self.connect(self.tooth_editor, QtCore.SIGNAL("editing finished"), self.tooth_editor_input_finished) self.show_fee_widget_button.clicked.connect(self._call_fee_widget) self.crowns_combo_box.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.add_crown_property_to_current_tooth) self.connect(self.line_edit, QtCore.SIGNAL("Navigate"), self.navigate) self.connect(self.navigate_buttons, QtCore.SIGNAL("Navigate"), self.navigate) self.connect(self.line_edit, QtCore.SIGNAL("Nav_key"), self.nav_key)
if __name__ == "__main__": def sig_catcher(*args): print args, dl.sender() from lib_openmolar.client.qt4.widgets.chart_widgets import \ teeth, chart_data_model model = chart_data_model.ChartDataModel() tooth = teeth.ChartTooth(1, model) app = QtGui.QApplication([]) dl = QtGui.QDialog() obj = ToothDataEditor(dl) obj.setTooth(tooth) dl.connect(obj, QtCore.SIGNAL("Code Selected"), sig_catcher) static_button = QtGui.QRadioButton("static") static_button.setChecked(True) planning_button = QtGui.QRadioButton("planning") static_button.toggled.connect(obj.set_mode) toggle_frame = QtGui.QFrame() layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(toggle_frame) layout.addWidget(static_button) layout.addWidget(planning_button) layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(dl) layout.addWidget(obj) layout.addWidget(toggle_frame) dl.exec_() if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)