Source code for lib_openmolar.admin.qt4.classes.database_models

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

##                                                                           ##
##  Copyright 2010, Neil Wallace <>               ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify     ##
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        ##
##  (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                           ##
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ##
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##  GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                           ##
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##  along with this program.  If not, see <>.    ##
##                                                                           ##

from xml.dom import minidom
from PyQt4 import QtSql

[docs]class MyModel(QtSql.QSqlTableModel):
[docs] def __init__(self, parent = None, db=None): super(MyModel, self).__init__(parent, db) self.setEditStrategy(QtSql.QSqlTableModel.OnRowChange)
[docs]class MyRelationalModel(QtSql.QSqlRelationalTableModel):
[docs] def __init__(self, parent = None, db=None): super(MyRelationalModel, self).__init__(parent, db) self.setEditStrategy(QtSql.QSqlTableModel.OnRowChange)
[docs] def table_xml(self): dom = minidom.Document() root = dom.createElement("data") table_name = unicode(self.tableName()) item_name = table_name.rstrip("s") for row in range(self.rowCount()): data_item = dom.createElement(item_name) record = self.record(row) for col in range(record.count()): field = record.field(col) #print, field.value().toString() data_sub_item = dom.createElement( text_node = dom.createTextNode( unicode(field.value().toString())) data_sub_item.appendChild(text_node) data_item.appendChild(data_sub_item) root.appendChild(data_item) dom.appendChild(root) line_end = "</%s>"% item_name return dom.toxml().replace(line_end, line_end+"\n")
[docs] def load_table_xml(self, dom, ommit_key=False): ''' this will take an xml file, and put it into the current table ''' query, columns = self.insert_query(ommit_key) psql_query = QtSql.QSqlQuery(self.database()) item_name = unicode(self.tableName()).rstrip("s") rows = dom.getElementsByTagName(item_name) i = 1 for row in rows: psql_query.prepare(query) for node in columns: vals = row.getElementsByTagName(node) try: val = vals[0] except IndexError: val = None except AttributeError: val = "" if not val and node == "ix": val = i i+=1 psql_query.addBindValue(val) psql_query.exec_() if psql_query.lastError().isValid(): print "ERRROR IMPORTING %s - %s"% ( row.toxml(), psql_query.lastError().text())
[docs] def insert_query(self, ommit_key=False): query = "select * from %s limit 1"% self.tableName() q_query = QtSql.QSqlQuery(query, self.database()) record = q_query.record() query = "INSERT into %s ("% self.tableName() values = "" columns = [] for col in range(record.count()): column = record.fieldName(col) if not (column == "ix" and ommit_key): query += "%s, "% column values += "?, " columns.append(column) query = "%s) VALUES (%s)"% (query.rstrip(", "), values.rstrip(", ")) return query, columns